Make a Change Using a Local Clone

To make significant changes to a Spinnaker service or other repository, you can fork the repository and work from a local clone. The workflow below walks through a change to the spinnaker/ repository as an example, but a fork-and-pull-request workflow should be used for all Spinnaker contributions. Make sure you have git installed on your computer and have configured your GitHub account. See the GitHub Help for details.

Fork the repository

  1. Navigate to the spinnaker/ repository with a web browser.
  2. Click Fork.

Create a local repository and set the upstream repository

  1. In a terminal window, clone your fork:

    1. git clone<github-username>/
  2. Navigate to the new directory. Set the spinnaker/ repository as the upstream remote:

    1. cd
    2. git remote add upstream
  3. Confirm your origin and upstream repositories:

    1. git remote -v

    Output is similar to:

    1. origin<github-username>/ (fetch)
    2. origin<github-username>/ (push)
    3. upstream (fetch)
    4. upstream (push)

Update your local repository

Make sure your local repository is current before you start making changes. Fetch commits from your fork’s origin/master and spinnaker/‘s upstream/master:

  1. git fetch origin
  2. git fetch upstream

Create a working branch

  1. Make sure you are in your master branch before you create your working branch. You can use git branch to see which branch you are in.

    1. git branch

    The output lists your local branches. There is an * next to the branch you are in.

    1. working-branch-1
    2. working-branch-2
    3. * master

    If you are not in master, execute git checkout master to go to your master branch. See the Understanding history: What is a branch? section of the Git User Manual for more information.

  2. Create a new working branch based on upstream/master.

    1. git checkout -b <your-working-branch> upstream/master

    Since git tracks changes to upstream\master, you don’t need to rebase your fork before you create a working branch.

  3. Make your changes.

Use the git status command at any time to see what files you’ve changed.

Test or preview changes locally

Once you have made changes, the next step is to test your changes in action. How you do this will depend on the resource you changed and the resources it interacts with.

If you make changes to spinnaker/ and want to preview them locally, install Hugo . Run this command from the repo root:

  1. hugo server

Commit your changes

  1. Check which files you need to commit:

    1. git status

    Output is similar to:

    1. On branch <your-working-branch>
    2. Changes not staged for commit:
    3. (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    4. (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    5. modified: _data/navigation.yml
    6. Untracked files:
    7. (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    8. community/contributing/docs/
    9. no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  2. Add new files listed under Untracked files to the commit:

    1. git add <path/your-file-name>

    Repeat this for each new file.

  3. Create a commit:

    1. git commit -a -m "<your-commit-subject>" -m "<your-commit-description>"
    • -a: Commit all staged changes.
    • -m: Use the given <your-commit-subject> as the commit message. If multiple -m options are given, their values are concatenated as separate paragraphs.

    Your commit messages must be 50 characters or less. Do not use any GitHub Keywords in your commit message. You can add those to the pull request description later.

  4. Push your working branch and its new commit to your remote fork:

    1. git push origin <your-working-branch>

    You can commit and push many times before you create your PR.

Create a pull request from your fork to spinnaker/

  1. In a web browser, go to the spinnaker/ repository . You should see your recently pushed working branch with a Compare & pull request button.

  2. Click Compare & pull request. This takes you to the Open a pull request screen.

    1. The Title defaults to the commit subject. Update the title so it follows the <type>(<scope>): <subject> format. Make sure you include a space after the colon. For example:

      1. docs(plugins): add documentation for plugin creators

      The Spinnaker repositories use a PR title checker, so your PR will fail if the title is not in the correct format. For more information, see commit message conventions .

    2. The Leave a comment field defaults to the commit description. Pull request descriptions are the first step to helping reviewers and project maintainers understand why your change was made. Do not leave this field blank. Provide as much description as possible. A good description helps get your PR merged faster!

    3. Leave the Allow edits from maintainers checkbox selected.

  3. Click the Create pull request button.

Congratulations! You can view your submitted pull request on the Pull requests tab .

Do not delete your working branch until your pull request has been merged! You may need to update your content based on reviewer feedback.

When you look at your PR, you may see a This branch is out-of-date with the base branch message. This means approvers merged PRs while you were working on your changes. If you see a Merge conflict message, you need to rebase your PR .

Addressing feedback locally

Reviewers may ask you to make changes to your pull request. Read the feedback and make changes in your working branch.

  1. After making your changes, create a new commit:

    1. git commit -a -m "<your-commit-subject>" -m "<your-commit-description>"
  2. Push your changes:

    1. git push origin <your-working-branch>

Changes from reviewers

Sometimes reviewers commit changes to your pull request. Fetch those commits before making any other changes.

  1. Fetch commits from your remote fork and rebase your working branch:

    1. git fetch origin
    2. git rebase origin/<your-working-branch>
  2. After rebasing, force-push new changes to your fork:

    1. git push --force-with-lease origin <your-working-branch>

Merge conflicts and rebasing

If another contributor commits changes to the same file in another PR, it can create a merge conflict. You must resolve all merge conflicts in your PR.

  1. Update your fork and rebase your working branch:

    1. git fetch origin
    2. git rebase origin/<your-working-branch>

    Then force-push the changes to your fork:

    1. git push --force-with-lease origin <your-working-branch>
  2. Fetch changes from spinnaker/‘s upstream/master and rebase your branch:

    1. git fetch upstream
    2. git rebase upstream/master
  3. Inspect the results of the rebase:

    1. git status

This results in a number of files marked as conflicted.

  1. Open each conflicted file and look for the conflict markers: >>>, <<<, and ===. Resolve the conflict and delete the conflict marker.

    For more information, see How conflicts are presented .

  2. Add the files to the changeset:

    1. git add <filename>
  3. Continue the rebase:

  1. git rebase --continue
  1. Repeat steps 2 to 5 as needed.

After applying all commits, the git status command shows that the rebase is complete.

  1. Force-push your working branch to your remote fork:

    1. git push --force-with-lease origin <your-working-branch>

    The pull request no longer shows any conflicts.

For more information, see Git Branching - Basic Branching and Merging , Advanced Merging , or ask in the #sig-documentation Slack channel for help.

Last modified July 13, 2021: docs(site): add 404.html and fix docs contrib section (#117) (df60766)