Receiving artifacts from GCS

Configure Spinnaker to trigger pipelines based on changes in a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket and inject changed GCS objects as artifacts into a pipeline.

This functionality uses Google’s Pub/Sub system for delivering messages to Spinnaker and must be configured to send messages to Spinnaker’s event bus as shown below.


If you or your Spinnaker admin have already configured Spinnaker to listen to Pub/Sub messages from the GCS bucket you plan to publish objects to, you can skip this section. One Pub/Sub subscription can be used to trigger as many independent Spinnaker pipelines as needed.

You need the following:

  • A billing enabled Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project .

    This will be referred to as $PROJECT from now on.

  • gcloud . Make sure to run gcloud auth login if you have installed gcloud for the first time.

  • A running Spinnaker instance . This guide shows you how to configure an existing one to accept GCS messages and download the files referenced by the messages in your pipelines.

  • Artifact support enabled .

At this point, we will configure Pub/Sub and a GCS artifact account. The Pub/Sub messages will be received by Spinnaker whenever a file is uploaded or changed, and the artifact account will allow you to download these where necessary.

1. Configure Google Pub/Sub for GCS

Follow the Pub/Sub configuration , in particular, pay attention to the GCS section since this is where we’ll be publishing our files to.

2. Configure a GCS artifact account

Follow the GCS artifact configuration .

3. Apply your configuration changes

Once the Pub/Sub and artifact changes have been made using Halyard, run

  1. hal deploy apply

to apply them in Spinnaker.

Using GCS artifacts in pipelines

We will need either an existing or a new pipeline that we want to be triggered on changes to GCS artifacts. If you do not have a pipeline, create one as shown below.

You can create and edit pipelines in the Pipelines tab of Spinnaker

You can create and edit pipelines in the Pipelines tab of Spinnaker

Configure the GCS trigger

Let’s add a Pub/Sub trigger to run our pipeline.

GCS - 图2

Next, we must configure the trigger:

Pub/Sub System Type“Google”
Subscription NameDepends on your Pub/Sub configuration (from Halyard
Attribute ConstraintsMust be configured to include the pair eventType:OBJECT_FINALIZE (See the docs )
Expected ArtifactsMust reference the artifact defined previously

GCS - 图3

Configure the GCS artifact

Now we need to declare that the Pub/Sub trigger expects that a specific artifact matching some criteria is available before the pipeline starts executing. In doing so, you guarantee that an artifact matching your description is present in the pipeline’s execution context. If no artifact for this description is present, the pipeline won’t start.

To configure the artifact, go to the Artifact Constraints dropdown for the Pub/Sub trigger configuration, and select “Define a new artifact…” to bring up the Expected Artifact form.

Enter a Display Name, or leave the autogenerated default. In the Account dropdown, select your GCS account. Enter the fully qualified GCS path in the Object path field. Note: this path can be a regular expression. You can, for example, set the object path to be gs://${BUCKET}/folder/.* to trigger on any change to an object inside folder in your ${BUCKET}.

${BUCKET} is a placeholder for the GCS bucket name that you have configured to receive Pub/Sub messages from above.

${BUCKET} is a placeholder for the GCS bucket name that you have configured to receive Pub/Sub messages from above.

Test the pipeline

If you upload a file to a path matching your configured Object path, the pipeline should execute. If it doesn’t, you can start by checking the logs in the Echo service.

Last modified May 7, 2021: docs(migration): fix imgs and links (9a18ce6)