Artifacts from Build Triggers

When an external CI system triggers a pipeline, Spinnaker can use the CI build information to inject relevant artifacts into the pipeline.


When an external CI system triggers a pipeline, Spinnaker can use the CI build information to inject relevant artifacts into the pipeline. The instructions here assume that you have set up a CI system and are familiar with using property files to pass variables from CI builds to Spinnaker pipelines.

The extraction of artifacts from the build information is done via a Jinja template; the template uses the trigger as context and outputs a list of artifacts to inject into the pipeline. Spinnaker provides a set of standard templates to use for artifact extraction, which users can augment with custom templates.


The instructions here assume that you have set up a CI system and are familiar with using property files to pass variables from CI builds to Spinnaker pipelines.

Select a template

To configure Spinnaker to use a Jinja template for artifact extraction, export the following properties from your CI build:

  • messageFormat: the name of the Jinja template to use
  • customFormat: true if messageFormat refers to a user-configured template; false or omitted if it refers to a Spinnaker-supplied template

For example, to use the Spinnaker-provided JAR template, you would export the following properties from your CI job:

  1. messageFormat=JAR

The recommended way to configure artifact templates is by using the hal config artifact templates Halyard command :

  1. hal config artifact templates add <name of template> --template-path <path to the template>

As an alternative, you can manually configure templates by adding the following to igor-local.yml:

  1. artifacts:
  2. templates:
  3. - name: <name of template>
  4. templatePath: <path to the template>

(Before Spinnaker 1.13, this manual configuration went into echo-local.yml. As of 1.13, it goes in igor-local.yml.)

You can then use the configured custom template by exporting the following as properties from your CI build:

  1. messageFormat=<name of template>
  2. customFormat=true

Bind variables into templates

In general, artifact-extracting templates will read other properties that are exported by the CI job. The general pattern is to export any build-specific information in the property file and to have the Jinja template construct the artifact by looking in

For example, consider a Jenkins job uploads a .jar file to a maven repository. We might define a custom Jinja template custom-jar.jinja as follows:

{% raw %}

  1. {
  2. "reference": "{{ }}-{{ properties.artifact }}-{{ properties.version }}",
  3. "name": "{{ properties.artifact }}-{{ properties.version }}",
  4. "version": "{{ properties.version }}",
  5. "type": "maven/file"
  6. }

{% endraw %}

We could then generate a useful artifact by having the CI job export the following:

  2. artifact=test-artifact
  3. version=123
  4. messageFormat=custom-jar
  5. customFormat=true

Supplied templates

The templates that are supplied with Spinnaker can be found in the following folder .


The JAR template creates an artifact representing a JAR archive in a Maven or Ivy repository. This template expects the following properties to be exported:

  • group
  • artifact
  • version
  • (optional) classifier

By default, the artifact represents an archive in a Maven repository; to create an artifact for an archive in an Ivy repository, export the property repotype=ivy.

Last modified July 1, 2021: docs(fix): fix internal links (#98) (d74c3a4)