Test a Pipeline Stage Plugin

Learn how to set up a local Spinnaker environment on your Mac or Windows environment so you can test the pf4jStagePlugin.


This guide explains how to set up a local Spinnaker environment on your Mac or Windows environment so you can test the pf4jStagePlugin, which has both Orca and Deck components. Spinnaker services running locally communicate with the other Spinnaker services running in a local VM. Although this guide is specific to the pf4jStagePlugin, you can adapt its contents to test your own plugin.

Software for development:

Specific to this guide:

Spinnaker setup used in this guide:

  • OSX or Windows using IP {my-workstation-ip} and the VM using {my-vm-ip}
  • Orca running on {my-workstation-ip}:8083
  • Deck running on {my-workstation-ip}:9000
  • All other services running in the VM on {my-vm-ip}

Before you begin

  • You have read the Plugin Creators Guide Overview
  • Your workstation has at least 16GB of RAM and 30GB of available storage
  • You have installed JDK 11; see AdoptOpenJDK for installation instructions or install using Homebrew
  • You have installed Groovy
  • You have installed Multipass
  • You have installed IntelliJ and the Kotlin plugin
  • You know how to run and debug an application using IntelliJ

Install Spinnaker in a Multipass VM

Minnaker is an open source tool that installs the latest release of Spinnaker and Halyard on Lightweight Kubernetes (K3s) .

  1. Launch a Multipass VM with 2 cores, 10GB of memory, 30GB of storage.

    1. multipass launch -c 2 -m 10G -d 30G
  2. Get the name of your VM.

    1. multipass list
  3. Access your VM.

    1. multipass shell <vm-name>
  4. Download and unpack Minnaker.

    1. curl -LO https://github.com/armory/minnaker/releases/download/0.0.20/minnaker.tgz
    2. tar -xzvf minnaker.tgz
  5. Install Spinnaker.

    The minnaker/scripts directory contains multiple scripts. Use the no_auth_install script to install Spinnaker in no-auth mode so you can access Spinnaker without credentials. Be sure to use the -o option to install the open source version of Spinnaker rather than Armory Spinnaker.

    1. ./minnaker/scripts/no_auth_install.sh -o

    If you accidentally forget the -o option, run ./minnaker/scripts/switch_to_oss.sh to install open source Spinnaker.

    The script prints out the IP address of Minnaker after installation is complete.

    Check pod status:

    1. kubectl -n spinnaker get pods

    Consult the Minnaker README for basic troubleshooting information if you run into issues.

  6. Revert Spinnaker to 1.20.6.

    Minnaker forwards hal commands to the Halyard pod so you don’t need to access the pod itself.

    1. hal config version edit --version 1.20.6
    2. hal deploy apply


  7. Configure Minnaker to listen on all ports.

    1. ./minnaker/scripts/utils/expose_local.sh

    This creates a load balancer for each service. Console output is similar to:

    2. minio-0 1/1 Running 0 18h
    3. mariadb-0 1/1 Running 0 18h
    4. halyard-0 1/1 Running 0 18h
    5. spin-redis-664df6f896-b5px8 1/1 Running 0 18h
    6. svclb-spin-clouddriver-lcmrq 1/1 Running 0 10m
    7. svclb-spin-redis-24qf6 1/1 Running 0 10m
    8. svclb-spin-front50-8hchk 1/1 Running 0 10m
    9. svclb-spin-orca-9t89s 1/1 Running 0 10m
    10. svclb-spin-gate-gn6g5 1/1 Running 0 10m
    11. svclb-spin-deck-26vpf 1/1 Running 0 10m
    12. svclb-spin-echo-s6zdv 1/1 Running 0 10m
    13. svclb-spin-rosco-qwfhv 1/1 Running 0 10m
    14. spin-deck-55b88d5fb9-v2ngf 1/1 Running 0 10m
    15. spin-front50-8fd4f9459-fwpzc 1/1 Running 0 10m
    16. spin-rosco-6885b6df45-jqkl9 1/1 Running 0 10m
    17. spin-gate-75df95744b-7zvp5 1/1 Running 0 10m
    18. spin-orca-766f9bbf7b-cw9f7 1/1 Running 0 10m
    19. spin-echo-9bbcd9df8-td4rt 1/1 Running 0 10m
    20. spin-clouddriver-55bc94ddcc-4d7cd 1/1 Running 0 10m


Configure Minnaker for local external services

Decide which Spinnaker services you want to run locally. This example uses Orca and Deck.

Configure Minnaker to expect the relevant services to be external:

  1. ./minnaker/scripts/utils/external_service_setup.sh orca deck

Output is similar to:

  1. Generated deploymentConfigurations[0].deploymentEnvironment.customSizing:
  2. spin-orca:
  3. replicas: 0
  4. spin-deck:
  5. replicas: 0
  6. Generated local /etc/spinnaker/.hal/default/profiles/spinnaker-local.yml:
  7. --------------
  8. services:
  9. orca:
  10. baseUrl: {my-vm-ip}:8083
  11. deck:
  12. baseUrl: {my-vm-ip}:9000
  13. --------------
  14. Place this file at '~/.spinnaker/spinnaker-local.yml' on your workstation
  15. --------------
  16. services:
  17. clouddriver:
  18. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:7002
  19. redis:
  20. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:6379
  21. front50:
  22. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8080
  23. orca:
  24. host:
  25. gate:
  26. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8084
  27. deck:
  28. host:
  29. echo:
  30. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8089
  31. rosco:
  32. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8087
  33. --------------

This script creates a spinnaker-local.yml on the VM that indicates the IPs where Orca and Deck are running. Furthermore, the script generates Spinnaker configuration content that you need to copy on your OSX workstation. This content tells your locally running services where the rest of the Spinnaker services are running.

Note: external_service_setup.sh removes the previous configuration each time you run it.

Configure your workstation for the local services

Copy the services section between the dotted lines in the terminal output from the executing the external_service_setup.sh script. Create or edit the ~/.spinnaker/spinnaker-local.yml file on your workstation and paste the previously copied services snippet into it.

The spinnaker-local.yml has this content:

  1. services:
  2. clouddriver:
  3. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:7002
  4. redis:
  5. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:6379
  6. front50:
  7. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8080
  8. orca:
  9. host:
  10. gate:
  11. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8084
  12. deck:
  13. host:
  14. echo:
  15. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8089
  16. rosco:
  17. baseUrl: {my-workstation-ip}:8087
  18. --------------

Clone the plugin and required services

Clone the Orca and Deck release-1.20.x branches that correspond to the Spinnaker 1.20.6 version you installed using Minnaker. Then clone pf4jStagePlugin v1.1.14, which works with Spinnaker 1.20.6.

  1. git clone --single-branch --branch v1.1.14 https://github.com/spinnaker-plugin-examples/pf4jStagePlugin.git
  2. git clone --single-branch --branch release-1.20.x https://github.com/spinnaker/orca.git
  3. git clone --single-branch --branch release-1.20.x https://github.com/spinnaker/deck.git

Run Orca in IntelliJ

  1. Open the Orca project in IntelliJ.

    • If you don’t have a project open, you see a Welcome to IntellJ IDEA window.

      1. Click Open or Import
      2. Navigate to your Orca directory
      3. Click on build.gradle and click Open
      4. Select Open as Project
    • If you already have one or more projects open, do the following:

      1. Use the menu File > Open
      2. Navigate to your Orca directory
      3. Click on build.gradle and click Open
      4. Select Open as Project
  2. Grab a beverage and snack while you wait for IntelliJ to finish indexing the project.

  3. If you have multiple JDKs installed, configure the Orca project to use JDK 11.

Through the next few steps, if you see an Unable to find Main log message or fields are grayed out, reimport the project:

  1. View > Tool Windows > Gradle

  2. In the Gradle window, right click “Orca” and then click Reimport Gradle Project

  3. Create a Run Configuration.

    You can skip the following steps if IntelliJ automatically creates a “Main” Run Configuration. Rename “Main” to “RunOrca”.

    1. Click the Add Configuration or Edit Configurations button to open the Run/Debug Configurations window.

      Edit Run Configuration

    2. Click the + button to create a new configuration.

    3. Select Application.

    4. Enter “RunOrca” in the Name field.

    5. Main class Click the button. Wait for the list to load and then select Main (com.netflix.spinnaker.orca). Alternately, click on Project and navigate to orca > orca-web > src > main > groovy > com.netflix.spinnaker > orca > Main.

    6. In the dropdown for Use classpath of module, select orca-web_main

    7. Click Apply and then OK.

    Run Orca Configuration

  4. Run orca using the RunOrca configuration.

    Success output is similar to:

    1. INFO 18111 --- [main] com.netflix.spinnaker.orca.Main: [] Started Main in 11.123 seconds (JVM running for 11.933)


    If Orca can’t find Redis, make sure your Minnaker VM is running and that all the Spinnaker services are ready.

    You can stop running Orca after you have verified that you can successfully run it.

Build the plugin

Navigate to the pf4jStagePlugin directory and execute:

  1. ./gradlew releaseBundle

The build process creates files you need in later steps:

  • random-wait-orca/build/Armory.RandomWaitPlugin-orca.plugin-ref
  • random-wait-deck/build/dist/index.js

Configure Orca for the plugin

  1. Create a top-level plugins directory in your Orca project.

  2. Copy the Armory.RandomWaitPlugin-orca.plugin-ref file to the plugins directory.

  3. Create the orca-local.yml file in ~/.spinnaker/ with the following contents:

    1. spinnaker:
    2. extensibility:
    3. plugins:
    4. Armory.RandomWaitPlugin:
    5. enabled: true
    6. version: 1.1.14
    7. extensions:
    8. armory.randomWaitStage:
    9. enabled: true
    10. config:
    11. defaultMaxWaitTime: 20


    This tells Spinnaker to enable and use the plugin.

Import the pf4jStagePlugin project into IntelliJ

  1. In IntelliJ, link the pf4jStagePlugin project to your Orca project.

    1. Open the Gradle window in your Orca project if it’s not already open (View > Tool Windows > Gradle).
    2. In the Gradle window, click the + sign to link your pf4jStagePlugin Gradle project.
    3. Navigate to your pf4jStagePlugin directory , select the build.gradle file, and click Open.
  2. In the Gradle window, right click orca and click Reimport Gradle Project.

You can now run or debug Orca and the plugin using IntelliJ.

Configure Deck for the plugin

  1. Update the deck/plugin-manifest.json with the plugin information.

    1. [
    2. {
    3. "id": "Armory.RandomWaitPlugin",
    4. "url": "./plugins/index.js",
    5. "version": "1.1.14"
    6. }
    7. ]


    For development, the values in id and version can be any value.

  2. Create a deck/plugins directory and symlink random-wait-deck/build/dist/index.js to deck/plugins/index.js. For example:

    1. cd <path-to-deck>
    2. ln -s <path-to-pf4jStagePlugin>/random-wait-deck/build/dist/index.js plugins/index.js


Run the plugin and Orca in IntelliJ

  1. Create a new build configuration.

    1. Click Edit Configurations…

    2. In the Run/Debug Configurations window, click the + icon and then select Application.

    3. Fill in fields 1-6 with the following:

      1. Name: “Build and Test Plugin”
      2. Main class: “com.netflix.spinnaker.orca.Main”
      3. VM options: “-Dpf4j.mode=development”
      4. Use classpath of module: “orca-web_main”
      5. JRE: 11
      6. Before launch Build Project (remove Build)

    Create Run Configuration

    1. Click OK.
  2. Run orca and the pf4jStagePlugin using the Build and Test Plugin configuration. On successful launch, you see a “Completed initialization” log statement in the console:

    1. 020-05-12 16:03:44.274 INFO 6973 --- [0.0-8083-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] : [] Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
    2. INFO 6973 --- [0.0-8083-exec-1] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : [] Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
    3. INFO 6973 --- [0.0-8083-exec-1] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : [] Completed initialization in 16 ms


    If you see error messages about Redis, make sure all the pods in your Spinnaker instance are READY. You can check the IP address and port for each service in ~/.spinnaker/spinnaker-local.yml.

    Plugin loading messages appear near the top of the Orca log. You should see statements similar to:

    1. INFO 90843 --- [main] org.pf4j.AbstractPluginManager: [] Plugin 'Armory.RandomWaitPlugin@unspecified' resolved
    2. INFO 90843 --- [main] org.pf4j.AbstractPluginManager: [] Start plugin 'Armory.RandomWaitPlugin@unspecified'
    3. INFO 90843 --- [main] i.a.p.s.wait.random.RandomWaitPlugin: [] RandomWaitPlugin.start()


Build and run Deck

The Deck project README has instructions for building and running Deck locally.

  1. Build Deck by executing yarn from the deck directory.

  2. Start Deck with the API_HOST argument, which is the Gate URL.

    1. cd deck
    2. yarn
    3. API_HOST={my-workstation-ip}:8084 AUTH_ENABLED=false yarn start


Verify the plugin loads in Deck

  1. Access the the Spinnaker UI at http://localhost:9000.
  2. Go to Applications > spin > PIPELINES.
  3. Create a new pipeline.
  4. Add a new stage.
  5. Look for “Random Wait” in the Type select list.


You can use the Developer Tools in your browser to troubleshoot Deck plugin issues.

Debugging Deck in Chromium

Look for plugin-manifest.json and index.js. It’s normal to see 3 plugin-manifest.json HTTP requests. The first one is from Deck - you created this file in the Configure Deck for the plugin section above. The next two from Gate are not relevant for local development. If you don’t see the plugin-manifest.json and index.js HTTP requests, check the Console tab for errors. Also verify that the content in your plugin-manifest.json file is correct.

Debug the backend of the plugin

If you want to debug the backend component of the plugin without a working Deck component, you can create a new stage in the UI and configure it using JSON.

  1. Start the Build and Test Plugin configuration in Debug mode.

  2. Start Deck.

  3. Access the the Spinnaker UI at http://localhost:9000.

  4. Go to Applications > spin > PIPELINES.

  5. Create a new pipeline.

  6. Add a new stage.

  7. Do not choose a stage from the Type select list. Instead, click Edit stage as JSON to open the Edit Stage JSON window.

  8. Paste this content in the text box:

    1. {
    2. "maxWaitTime": 15,
    3. "name": "Test RandomWait",
    4. "type": "randomWait"
    5. }
    • maxWaitTime: number of seconds; you get the maxWaitTime field name from the variable passed into the RandomWaitInput primary constructor
    • name: name of the new stage
    • type: use the value returned by the <code>getName</code> function in RandomWaitStage
  9. Click Update Stage.

  10. Click Save Changes.

  11. Go back to the PIPELINES screen.

  12. Start Manual Execution and watch the stage wait for the specified number of seconds.


You can ask for help with plugins in the Spinnaker Slack ’s #plugins channel.

Last modified December 22, 2021: docs(fix): Fix various encoding issues (#170) (0475fe5)