Kubernetes Source to Prod

Create a set of basic pipelines to deploy code from a Github repo to a Kubernetes cluster in the form of a Docker container.


In this codelab you will configure:

  • A GitHub repo containing both your code to be deployed, and the Kubernetes manifests that will run your code.

  • A set of Spinnaker pipelines to deploy changes to your code, manifests, and application configuration from source to production.

0: Prerequisites

Before we begin, we need to do the following:

  • Configure GitHub

    You need some source code and manifests to deploy stored in GitHub. We have a repository you can fork to follow along easily.

  • Configure DockerHub

    The source code in GitHub will be configured to build automatically on tag pushes.

  • Configure Kubernetes

    Two Kubernetes clusters, one for staging and one for prod.

  • Configure Spinnaker

    A running Spinnaker instance, able to deploy to Kubernetes and download artifacts from GitHub.

  • Configure Webhooks

    GitHub & DockerHub webhooks pointing at Spinnaker, alerting when commits and docker images are pushed respectively.

Configure GitHub

The code we’ll be deploying is stored here . Feel free to fork this into your own account, and make changes/deploy from there.

☞ Note: The manifests in this repository point to a specific docker image . If you want to trigger off of changes made to your own docker image, change the image name to reflect that.

Configure DockerHub

If you’re completely unfamiliar with Docker, start here .

This guide covers how to get your GitHub repository (from above) to trigger Docker builds in DockerHub. We’ll be relying on this to automatically push code changes into your staging environment. In the end your repository should look something like this .

☞ Note: Before continuing, run the created trigger at least once to both push a :latest image, as well as validate that your configuration is working. This can be done by pushing a commit to your GitHub repo to trigger a Docker build.

Configure Kubernetes

Create two clusters following one of the guides here . Once you are finished, make sure that you have an up-to-date ~/.kube/config file that has entries for both clusters you want to deploy to. Details on kubeconfig files here .

Configure Spinnaker

We will be deploying Spinnaker to one of your Kubernetes clusters. To do so, start by installing halyard .

Choose a storage service

Pick a storage service here , and run the required hal commands.

Add your Kubernetes accounts

You will need to configure two Kubernetes accounts. See the Kubernetes contexts created in the prior step using:

  1. kubectl config get-contexts

The output should look like (although the names may vary):

  2. * staging-demo-us-central1 staging-demo staging-demo
  3. prod-demo-us-central1 prod-demo prod-demo

Record the names of the contexts as $STAGING_CONTEXT and $PROD_CONTEXT.

Now we will register both contexts with Spinnaker.

  1. hal config provider kubernetes account add prod-demo \
  2. --context $PROD_CONTEXT
  3. hal config provider kubernetes account add staging-demo \
  4. --context $STAGING_CONTEXT

Configure GitHub artifact credentials

Make sure to add GitHub as an artifact account . This will allow us to fetch the manifests later.

Configure Docker Registry account

Make sure to add a Docker Registry provider account . This will allow us to configure a Spinnaker pipeline to trigger on a Docker image update.

Deploy Spinnaker

Pick a version & specify that you want to deploy Spinnaker inside the staging cluster:

  1. hal config version edit --version $(hal version latest -q)
  2. hal config deploy edit --type distributed --account-name staging-demo

And finally, deploy Spinnaker.

  1. hal deploy apply

Configure webhooks

Now that Spinnaker is running, you need to point both Docker and GitHub webhooks at Spinnaker to send events when Docker images and manifest changes happen respectively.

Give Spinnaker an external endpoint

:warning: This is for the codelab only! Do not do this in production. We’re giving an unsecured Spinnaker an external endpoint to easily do this codelab, and are taking limited measures to ensure only GitHub and Docker can trigger pipelines. Tear down Spinnaker once you’re done with this codelab, or remove any firewall changes to your Kubernetes cluster.

First, edit the Gate service to bind a node port. This means every node in your Kubernetes cluster will forward traffic from that node port to your Spinnaker gate service. Your nodes should not be accepting requests from external IPs by default, so making this change doesn’t immediately open Spinnaker to public access.

To do this, first run (this will open the service manifest in your text editor):

  1. kubectl edit svc spin-gate -n spinnaker --context $STAGING_CONTEXT

and then change the field

  1. type: ClusterIP


  1. type: NodePort

Next, get the port that spin-gate has bound to. You can check this with

  1. kubectl get svc spin-gate -n spinnaker --context $STAGING_CONTEXT

In my case, I see the port is 31355, which I record into $NODE_PORT (8084 is the port gate is listening on inside the cluster):

  2. spin-gate NodePort <none> 8084:31355/TCP 32m

Now pick any node in the cluster and record its IP as $NODE_IP. In order to get the IP of a node, first get the nodes in the cluster and record one of the names as $NODE_NAME:

  1. kubectl get nodes

Next run the following command to get information about the node and record the ExternalIP as $NODE_IP:

  1. kubectl describe node $NODE_NAME

For the purposes of this codelab, we’ll be sending external webhooks to $NODE_PORT on that node. In order for these webhooks to work, for this codelab only, open your firewall on that node to all addresses for TCP connections on $NODE_PORT. If you were running Spinnaker in production with authentication , only webhooks would be allowed, which you can reject by header or payload. See the webhook guide for more details .

Allow Docker to post build events

These will be used to trigger pipelines based on new Docker images being published. Follow the steps shown here for your repository. The endpoint you configure must be http://${NODE_IP}:${NODE_PORT}/webhooks/webhook/dockerhub.

Allow GitHub to post push events

Follow the steps shown here , where ENDPOINT=http://${NODE_IP}:${NODE_PORT}. Keep track of what you pick as the $SECRET!

1: Create a Spinnaker application

When you first open Spinnaker (if you’ve followed the above prerequisites ) it’ll be running on localhost:9000) you’ll be greeted with the following Applications screen.

By default, Spinnaker indexes your entire cluster, which explains why the screen is prepopulated with unrelated infrastructure. This can be changed by omiting namespaces as shown here.

By default, Spinnaker indexes your entire cluster, which explains why the screen is prepopulated with unrelated infrastructure. This can be changed by omiting namespaces as shown here.

Select Actions > Create Application, and fill out the form as shown (the owner email will of course be different):

K8s Source to Prod - 图2

After hitting Create, you should be brought to an empty Clusters tab:

K8s Source to Prod - 图3

2: Create a “Deploy to Staging” pipeline

Let’s deploy the manifests and code in our staging cluster by setting up automated pipelines to do so. Start by navigating to Pipelines > Configure a new Pipeline. Name the pipeline as shown and hit create:

K8s Source to Prod - 图4

At this point we want to add the manifest from GitHub as an expected artifact in this pipeline, meaning we expect each time that this pipeline executes, either a GitHub event will supply us with a new manifest to deploy, or we will use some default or prior manifest.

Select Add Trigger:

K8s Source to Prod - 图5

Supply the following configuration values:

Repo Type“GitHub”
Organization or UserThe user you forked the above code into.
SecretThe $SECRET chosen above .

We supply the expected artifact to be sure that we only trigger the pipeline when that file changes.

We supply the expected artifact to be sure that we only trigger the pipeline when that file changes.

Next we will define a new artifact in the Artifact Constraints field. For Account, select the GitHub artifact account created earlier and then set the File Path to manifests/demo.yml. Lastly, select Use Prior Execution, to tell Spinnaker that if no matching artifact is found, use the last execution’s value. (This will be useful later).

K8s Source to Prod - 图7

Supply the following configuration values:

Repo Type“GitHub”
Organization or UserThe user you forked the above code into.
SecretThe $SECRET chosen above .
Expected ArtifactsMust reference the manifests/demo.yml artifact.

We supply the expected artifact to be sure that we only trigger the pipeline when that file changes.

We supply the expected artifact to be sure that we only trigger the pipeline when that file changes.

Next we will define a new artifact in the Artifact Constraints field. For Account, select the GitHub artifact account created earlier and then set the File Path to manifests/demo.yml. Lastly, select Use Prior Execution, to tell Spinnaker that if no matching artifact is found, use the last execution’s value. (This will be useful later).

K8s Source to Prod - 图9

With the trigger configuration in place, let’s configure a “Deploy manifest” stage.

First add a stage:

K8s Source to Prod - 图10

Then select the “Deploy (Manifest)” stage type:

K8s Source to Prod - 图11

Finally, configure the stage with the following values:

Manifest Source“Artifact”
Expected ArtifactMust reference the manifests/demo.yml artifact.
Artifact AccountThe GitHub artifact account configured above.

K8s Source to Prod - 图12

Save the pipeline.

3. Deploy manifests to staging

Trigger the pipeline by pushing a commit to the manifests/demo.yml file in your repository. The pipeline should start in a few seconds. When it completes, click Details to see information about the execution:

K8s Source to Prod - 图13

There are a couple of things to notice here:

  • In the top left we get details about the commit that triggered this pipeline.

  • In the Deploy Status we can see what the YAML was that Spinnaker deployed.

  • We see that the ConfigMap that we deployed was assigned version -v000. This was done to ensure that you can statically reference this ConfigMap, insulating any Pod that references it from accidental changes.

Next, let’s see what this infrastructure looks like in Spinnaker. Navigate to the Clusters tab, and select the blue Deployment object attached to the Replica Set shown below:

K8s Source to Prod - 图14

We can see in the Artifact section on the right that we have bound our Docker image as well as our ConfigMap.

Let’s see what our application is serving. Run:

  1. kubectl proxy --context $STAGING_CONTEXT

And then visit the sample service in your browser. Let’s make a change to this service, and configure Spinnaker to listen to Docker builds.

4. Configure Docker triggers

Important: We need to configure DockerHub to build on Tag events only, if we build on every commit, this particular setup will trigger both when manifests & code are changed at once. This can be configured under your Docker repository’s Build Settings tab as shown here:

This build rule will create a matching image tag each time you push a git tag.

This build rule will create a matching image tag each time you push a git tag.

Next, in Spinnaker, let’s edit our Pipeline to allow Docker images to trigger a deployment:

First, add another automated trigger next to our Git trigger. Select Type Webhook and input dockerhub for the Source.

K8s Source to Prod - 图16

Next, define a new artifact in the Artifact Constraints field. For Account, select the Docker Registry account created earlier and input your docker image under Docker image.

K8s Source to Prod - 图17

Finally, back in the “Deploy (Manifest)” stage configuration, select the Docker artifact to bind in this deployment:

K8s Source to Prod - 图18

Save the pipeline.

5. Deploy Docker to staging

You can push a tag to your repository by running:

  1. git tag release-1.0
  2. git push origin release-1.0

K8s Source to Prod - 图19

Notice that this time the trigger was a Webhook trigger, and we see details about both types of artifacts that we deployed. Since the GitHub file artifact was configured to Use Prior Execution, we redeployed the same manifests as last time, but with a new Docker image. Because of this, we did not deploy a new ConfigMap, and kept the version at -v000.

This deployment is a lot faster than the last one, since the docker image was already pulled into our cluster, meaning it took less time for the images to start running and appear as “Healthy”.

Back on the Clusters tab we can see the deployment has rolled out our new image:

K8s Source to Prod - 图20

6. Configure a validation pipeline

For the sake of a simple codelab, we will control which deployments make it to production by adding a “Manual Judgement” pipeline. In practice, this can be replaced by a canary, integration test suite, or other mechanism for validating staging; however, keeping the manual judgement stage is fine too.

Start by creating a new pipeline, and call it “Validate Staging”:

K8s Source to Prod - 图21

We only want this pipeline to run when we successfully deploy to our staging environment, so create a Pipeline trigger in this new pipeline like shown:

K8s Source to Prod - 图22

Add a single stage with type “Manual judgement”:

K8s Source to Prod - 图23

If desired, you can add additional “Instructions” for how to validate the cluster:

K8s Source to Prod - 图24

Save the Pipeline.

7. Promote to production

Let’s promote these artifacts into our production cluster. Create a new pipeline, but instead of creating it from scratch, let’s copy the “Deploy to Staging” pipeline like this:

K8s Source to Prod - 图25

We need to make two changes to this pipeline:

First, delete the webhook and Git triggers, and replace it with a pipeline trigger that depends on the “Validate Staging” pipeline:

K8s Source to Prod - 图26

Next, change the Account the “Deploy (Manifest)” stage deploys to point at prod-demo:

K8s Source to Prod - 图27

8. Run the full flow

Now our full flow is ready to go - let’s kick it off by changing the background color of our application.

Open content/index.html in your text editor, and change the background color attribute, and generate a new commit. We can safely push this commit to GitHub without running our pipeline because we are only listening to change to the manifests/demo.yml file in our “Deploy to Staging” trigger. Tag and push this commit to generate a new docker build:

  1. git tag release-1.1
  2. git push origin release-1.1

When Spinnaker prompts you, accept (or reject) the manual judgement:

K8s Source to Prod - 图28

Keep in mind, if you reject the manual judgement, but later change your mind, you can always trigger this pipeline again using the same context by selecting Start manual execution, and picking the latest parent execution:

K8s Source to Prod - 图29

Once all three pipelines complete, you should have your docker image running in both environments:

K8s Source to Prod - 图30

9. Extra credit

At this point there are few things you can play with:

  • Change the ConfigMap definition in the manifest file. In particular, flip the single flag from “false” to “true”. See what happens to the ConfigMap version.

  • Roll back a “broken” change either in prod or staging using the “Undo Rollout” stage.

  • Insert pipeline expressions into your manifest files.

10. Teardown

As referenced above, please teardown Spinnaker once you are done:

  1. hal deploy clean

Last modified May 7, 2021: docs(migration): fix imgs and links (9a18ce6)