DC/OS: Source to Prod

Create a set of basic pipelines for deploying code from a Github repo to a DC/OS cluster.

0. Setup


  • Github repository with the source code to deploy
  • Enterprise DC/OS cluster (1.8 or greater)
    • Marathon-lb is should be installed and running
    • For the examples in this codelab we’ll say that it’s at https://dcos.example.com so you should replace that with the URL to your cluster
  • Jenkins instance

Configure Spinnaker



  1. dcos:
  2. enabled: true
  3. clusters:
  4. - name: codelab-cluster
  5. dcosUrl: https://dcos.example.com
  6. insecureSkipTlsVerify: true
  7. accounts:
  8. - name: codelab-dcos-account
  9. dockerRegistries:
  10. - accountName: my-docker-registry
  11. clusters:
  12. - name: codelab-cluster
  13. uid: ${DCOS_USER}
  14. password: ${DCOS_PASSWORD}
  15. dockerRegistry:
  16. enabled: true
  17. accounts:
  18. - name: my-docker-registry
  19. address: https://index.docker.io
  20. repositories:
  21. - lwander/spin-kub-demo
  22. username: ${DOCKER_USER}
  23. password: ${DOCKER_PASSWORD}


If you’ve deployed your Spinnaker instance with Halyard, configuring Spinnaker requires the following steps.

Enable Docker

Configure a docker registry with halyard

Set up the DC/OS provider

First, enable the provider:

  1. hal config provider dcos enable

Next we need to add our DC/OS cluster:

  1. hal config provider dcos cluster add codelab-cluster \
  2. --dcos-url $CLUSTER_URL \
  3. --skip-tls-verify # For simplicity we won't worry about the
  4. # certificate for the cluster but this would not be recommended
  5. # for a real deployment

Create a Spinnaker account that has credentials for the cluster.

  1. hal config provider dcos account add codelab \
  2. --cluster codelab-cluster \
  3. --docker-registries my-docker-registry \
  4. --uid $DCOS_USER \
  5. --password $DCOS_PASSWORD
  • Note: Make sure that your DC/OS user has permission to deploy applications under a /codelab group in Marathon

And deploy the config with hal

  1. sudo hal deploy apply

1. Create a Spinnaker application

Spinnaker applications are groups of resources managed by the underlying cloud provider, and are delineated by the naming convention <app name>-.

Under the Actions dropdown select Create Application and fill out the following dialog:

If you’ve followed the Source to Prod tutorial for the VM based providers, you’ll remember that you needed to select “Consider only cloud provider health when executing tasks”. Since DC/OS is the sole health provider by definition, selecting this here is redundant, and unnecessary.

You’ll notice that you were dropped in this Clusters tab for your newly created application. In Spinnaker’s terminology a Cluster is a collection of Server Groups all running different versions of the same artifact (Docker Image). Furthermore, Server Groups are DC/OS Services

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图2

2. Create a demo server group

Next we will create a Server Group as a sanity check to make sure we have set up everything correctly so far. Before doing this, ensure you have at least 1 tag pushed to your Docker registry with the code you want to deploy. Now on the Clusters screen, select Create Server Group/Job, choose Server Group from the drop down and hit Next to see the following dialog:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图3

Fill out the basic settings and select your Docker image to use.

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图4

Select the Bridge network type and the port that the process in the container will listen on.

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图5

Add the labels that marathon-lb will use to route traffic to your instance.

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图6

Finally, add a health check and then click Create.

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图7

Test that you can reach your service with the following command (where $VHOST is the HAPROXY_0_VHOST value from your server group)

  1. curl --header "Host: dev.example.com" http://$PUBLIC_AGENT

3. Git to dev pipeline

Now let’s automate the process of creating server groups associated with the dev stack. Navigate to the Pipelines tab, select Configure > Create New… and then fill out the resulting dialog as follows:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图8

In the resulting page, select Add Trigger, and fill the form out as follows:

The “Organization” and “Image” will likely be different, as you have set up your own Docker repository. The “Tag” can be a regex matching a tag name patterns for valid triggers. Leaving it blank serves as “trigger on any new tag”.

Now select Add Stage just below Configuration, and fill out the form as follows:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图10

Next, in the Server Groups box select Add Server Group, where you will use the already deployed server group as a template like so:

Any server group in this app can be used as a template, and vastly simplifies configuration (since most configuration is copied over).

In the resulting dialog, we only need to make one change down in the Container subsection. Select the image that will come from the Docker trigger as shown below:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图12

Lastly, we want to add a stage to destroy the previous server group in this dev cluster. Select Add Stage, and fill out the form as follows:

Make sure to select “codelab-cluster” as the region, and “toggle for list of clusters” to make cluster selection easier. (For DC/OS in Spinnaker a “region” is a DC/OS cluster and a “cluster” is a Spinnaker concept for managing server groupp) “Target” needs to be “Previous Server Group”, so whatever was previously deployed is deleted after our newly deployed server group is “Healthy”.

4. Verification pipeline

Back on the Pipelines dialog, create a new pipeline as before, but call it “Manual Judgement”. On the first screen, add a Pipeline trigger as shown below:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图14

We will only add a single stage, which will serve to gate access to the prod environment down the line. The configuration is shown here:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图15

Keep in mind, more advanced types of verification can be done here, such as running a DC/OS batch job to verify that your app is healthy, or calling out to an external Jenkins server. For the sake of simplicity we will keep this as “manual judgement”.

5. Promote to prod

Create a new pipeline titled “Deploy to Prod”, and configure a pipeline trigger as shown here:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图16

Now we need to find the deployed image in dev that we previously verified. Add a new stage and configure it as follows:

Select the “codelab-cluster” region, the

Now, to deploy that resolved image, add a new stage and configure it as follows.

Select Add Server Group, and again use the dev deployment as a template:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图18

This time we need to make three changes to the template. First, change the “stack” to represent our prod cluster:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图19

Next in the container section:

Select the image from the Find Image stage results

Lastly in the labels section:

Change the label so that marathon-lb will route traffic from our prod vhost to instances in this server group

Now to prevent all prior versions of this app in production from serving traffic once the deploy finishes, we will add a “Disable Cluster” stage like so:

You will need to manualy enter “codelab-prod” as the cluster name since it doesn’t exist yet.

Save the pipeline, and we are ready to go!

7. Run the pipeline

Push a new branch to your repo, and wait for the pipeline to run.

NEW_VERSION=v1.0.0 git checkout -b $NEW_VERSION git push origin $NEW_VERSION

Once the Manual Judgement stage is hit, use curl to “verify” your deployment.

  1. curl --header "Host: dev.example.com" http://$PUBLIC_AGENT

Hit continue once you are ready to promote to prod.

Selecting “stop” will cause the deployment to fail, and the next pipeline won’t trigger.

Notice that the “Find Image” phase automatically finds the tag that we triggered the first pipeline, as it was the one we verified earlier.

To verify, use curl again:

  1. curl --header "Host: prod.example.com" http://$PUBLIC_AGENT

Once the pipelines are done, you can see the dev and prod stacks in the Clusters tab:

DC/OS: Source to Prod - 图25

Last modified May 7, 2021: docs(migration): fix imgs and links (9a18ce6)