Broadcasting events

Socket.IO makes it easy to send events to all the connected clients.

Please note that broadcasting is a server-only feature.

To all connected clients

Broadcasting to all connected clients

  1. io.on("connection", (socket) => {
    io.emit("hello", "world");

To all connected clients except the sender

Broadcasting to all connected clients excepting the sender

  1. // server-side
    io.on("connection", (socket) => {
    socket.broadcast.emit("hello", "world");

With multiple Socket.IO servers

Broadcasting also works with multiple Socket.IO servers.

You just need to replace the default Adapter by the Redis Adapter. More information about it here.

Broadcasting with Redis

In certain cases, you may want to only broadcast to clients that are connected to the current server. You can achieve this with the local flag:

  1. io.on("connection", (socket) => {
    io.local.emit("hello", "world");

Broadcasting with Redis but local

In order to target specific clients when broadcasting, please see the documentation about Rooms.

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