

This section explains how to configure the ShardingSphere-Proxy rules.

Parameters Explained

Rules configuration for ShardingSphere-Proxy is the same as ShardingSphere-JDBC. For details, please refer to ShardingSphere-JDBC Rules Configuration.


Unlike ShardingSphere-JDBC, the following rules need to be configured in ShardingSphere-Proxy’s server.yaml:

  1. sqlParser:
  2. sqlCommentParseEnabled: true
  3. sqlStatementCache:
  4. initialCapacity: 2000
  5. maximumSize: 65535
  6. parseTreeCache:
  7. initialCapacity: 128
  8. maximumSize: 1024
  1. transaction:
  2. defaultType: XA
  3. providerType: Atomikos
  1. sqlTranslator:
  2. type:
  3. useOriginalSQLWhenTranslatingFailed: