
SPI NameDescription
DatabaseProtocolFrontendEngineRegulate parse and adapter protocol of database access for ShardingSphere-Proxy
Implementation ClassDescription
MySQLFrontendEngineBase on MySQL database protocol
PostgreSQLFrontendEngineBase on PostgreSQL database protocol
OpenGaussFrontendEngineBase on openGauss database protocol


SPI NameDescription
JDBCDriverURLRecognizerUse JDBC driver to execute SQL
Implementation ClassDescription
MySQLRecognizerUse MySQL JDBC driver to execute SQL
PostgreSQLRecognizerUse PostgreSQL JDBC driver to execute SQL
OracleRecognizerUse Oracle JDBC driver to execute SQL
SQLServerRecognizerUse SQLServer JDBC driver to execute SQL
H2RecognizerUse H2 JDBC driver to execute SQL
P6SpyDriverRecognizerUse P6Spy JDBC driver to execute SQL
OpenGaussRecognizerUse openGauss JDBC driver to execute SQL


SPI NameDescription
AuthorityProvideAlgorithmUser authority loading logic
Implementation ClassTypeDescription
NativeAuthorityProviderAlgorithm (Deprecated)NATIVEPersist user authority defined in server.yaml into the backend database. An admin user will be created if not existed.
AllPrivilegesPermittedAuthorityProviderAlgorithmALL_PRIVILEGES_PERMITTEDAll privileges granted to user by default (No authentication). Will not interact with the actual database.
SchemaPrivilegesPermittedAuthorityProviderAlgorithmSCHEMA_PRIVILEGES_PERMITTEDPermissions configured through the attribute user-schema-mappings.