Resource Definition


  1. ADD RESOURCE dataSource [, dataSource] ...
  2. ALTER RESOURCE dataSource [, dataSource] ...
  3. DROP RESOURCE dataSourceName [, dataSourceName] ... [ignore single tables]
  4. dataSource:
  5. simpleSource | urlSource
  6. simpleSource:
  7. dataSourceName(HOST=hostName,PORT=port,DB=dbName,USER=user [,PASSWORD=password] [,PROPERTIES(poolProperty [,poolProperty] ...)])
  8. urlSource:
  9. dataSourceName(URL=url,USER=user [,PASSWORD=password] [,PROPERTIES(poolProperty [,poolProperty]) ...])
  10. poolProperty:
  11. "key"= ("value" | value)
  • Before adding resources, please confirm that a distributed database has been created, and execute the use command to successfully select a database
  • Confirm that the added resource can be connected normally, otherwise it will not be added successfully
  • Duplicate dataSourceName is not allowed to be added
  • In the definition of a dataSource, the syntax of simpleSource and urlSource cannot be mixed
  • poolProperty is used to customize connection pool properties, key must be the same as the connection pool property name, value supports int and String types
  • ALTER RESOURCE will switch the connection pool. This operation may affect the ongoing business, please use it with caution
  • DROP RESOURCE will only delete logical resources, not real data sources
  • Resources referenced by rules cannot be deleted
  • If the resource is only referenced by single table rule, and the user confirms that the restriction can be ignored, the optional parameter ignore single tables can be added to perform forced deletion


  1. ADD RESOURCE resource_0 (
  2. HOST=,
  3. PORT=3306,
  4. DB=db0,
  5. USER=root,
  6. PASSWORD=root
  7. ),resource_1 (
  8. HOST=,
  9. PORT=3306,
  10. DB=db1,
  11. USER=root
  12. ),resource_2 (
  13. HOST=,
  14. PORT=3306,
  15. DB=db2,
  16. USER=root,
  17. PROPERTIES("maximumPoolSize"=10)
  18. ),resource_3 (
  19. URL="jdbc:mysql://",
  20. USER=root,
  21. PASSWORD=root,
  22. PROPERTIES("maximumPoolSize"=10,"idleTimeout"="30000")
  23. );
  24. ALTER RESOURCE resource_0 (
  25. HOST=,
  26. PORT=3309,
  27. DB=db0,
  28. USER=root,
  29. PASSWORD=root
  30. ),resource_1 (
  31. URL="jdbc:mysql://",
  32. USER=root,
  33. PASSWORD=root,
  34. PROPERTIES("maximumPoolSize"=10,"idleTimeout"="30000")
  35. );
  36. DROP RESOURCE resource_0, resource_1;
  37. DROP RESOURCE resource_2, resource_3 ignore single tables;