7.9 Follow WebView Best Practices


WebViews can introduce a number of security concerns and should be implemented carefully. In particular, a number of exploitable vulnerabilities arising from the use of the addJavscriptInterface API have been discovered.


Disable JavaScript and Plugin support if they are not needed. While both are disabled by default, best practices call for explicitly setting them as disabled. Disable local file access. This restricts access to the app’s resource and asset directory and mitigates against an attack from a web page which seeks to gain access to other locally accessible files.

Disallow the loading of content from third-party hosts. This can be difficult to achieve from within the app. However, a developer can override shouldOverrideUrlLoading and shouldInterceptRequest to intercept, inspect, and validate most requests initiated from within a WebView. A developer may also consider implementing a whitelist scheme by using the URI class to inspect components of a URI to ensure it matches an entry within a list of approved resources.

See https://gist.github.com/scottyab/6f51bbd82a0ffb08ac7a for a snippet of sample code that includes some WebView security best practices.

Note that WebView does not honor the Android Manifest flag android:usesCleartextTraffic which can help prevent an app from using cleartext network traffic (e.g., HTTP and FTP without TLS).
