We’ve tested sending data. It’s time to test receiving it. Except that there’s no other device thatcan send us some data … or is there?
Enter: loopbacks
You can send data to yourself! Not very useful in production but very useful for debugging.
Connect the TXO
and the RXI
pins of the serial module together using a male to male jumper wireas shown above.
Now enter some text into minicom/PuTTY and observe. What happens?
You should see three things:
- As before, the TX (red) LED blinks on each key press.
- But now the RX (green) LED blinks on each key press as well! This indicates that the serial moduleis receiving some data; the one it just sent.
- Finally, on the minicom/PuTTY console, you should see that what you type echoes back to theconsole.
Now that you are familiar with sending and receiving data over serial port using minicom/PuTTY,let’s make your microcontroller and your laptop talk!