
Turns out that, to save power, most peripherals start in a powered off state — that’s their stateright after the microcontroller boots.

The Reset and Clock Control (RCC) peripheral can be used to power on or off every otherperipheral.

You can find the list of registers in the RCC register block in:

Section 9.4.14 - RCC register map - Page 166 - Reference Manual

The registers that control the power status of other peripherals are:


Each bit in these registers controls the power status of a single peripheral, including GPIOE.

Your task in this section is to power on the GPIOE peripheral. You’ll have to:

  • Figure out which of the three registers I mentioned before has the bit that controls the powerstatus.
  • Figure out what value that bit must be set to,0 or 1, to power on the GPIOE peripheral.
  • Finally, you’ll have to change the starter code to modify the right register to turn on theGPIOE peripheral.

If you are successful, you’ll see that the gpioe.odr.write statement will now be able to modifythe value of the ODR register.

Note that this won’t be enough to actually turn on the LEDs.