MQTT 是一种基于发布/订阅(publish/subscribe)模式的“轻量级”通讯协议 。本章介绍如何在 RT-Thread MicroPython 上使用 MQTT 功能,使用到的模块为 umqtt.simple
获取并安装 umqtt.simple 模块
同样的可以使用包管理中的两种方式来获取,使用 upip 安装的方式可使用 upip.install("micropython-umqtt.simple")
umqtt.simple 模块的使用
MQTT 订阅功能
- 使用 作为测试服务器
- import time
- from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient
- # Publish test messages e.g. with:
- # mosquitto_pub -t foo_topic -m hello
- # Received messages from subscriptions will be delivered to this callback
- def sub_cb(topic, msg):
- print((topic, msg))
- def main(server=""): # 测试 server 为
- c = MQTTClient("RT-Thread", server)
- c.set_callback(sub_cb)
- c.connect()
- c.subscribe(b"foo_topic") # 订阅 foo_topic 主题
- while True:
- if True:
- # Blocking wait for message
- c.wait_msg()
- else:
- # Non-blocking wait for message
- c.check_msg()
- # Then need to sleep to avoid 100% CPU usage (in a real
- # app other useful actions would be performed instead)
- time.sleep(1)
- c.disconnect()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
- 使用 python 命令执行上述代码文件,就会连接上 MQTT 服务器,可收到我们从另一个客户端发布的以 foo_topic为主题的内容
MQTT 发布功能
- 执行下面的代码后将向 MQTT 服务器发布以 foo_topic 为主题的信息
- from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient
- # Test reception e.g. with:
- # mosquitto_sub -t foo_topic
- def main(server=""):
- c = MQTTClient("SummerGift", server)
- c.connect()
- c.publish(b"foo_topic", b"Hello RT-Thread !!!")
- c.disconnect()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()