海龟交易系统也是非常经典的一种策略,我们也放出了范例代码如下,而关于海龟交易系统的介绍也可以参照 这篇帖子 。
- import numpy as np
- import talib
- import math
- def get_extreme(array_high_price_result, array_low_price_result):
- np_array_high_price_result = np.array(array_high_price_result[:-1])
- np_array_low_price_result = np.array(array_low_price_result[:-1])
- max_result = np_array_high_price_result.max()
- min_result = np_array_low_price_result.min()
- return [max_result, min_result]
- def get_atr_and_unit( atr_array_result, atr_length_result, portfolio_value_result):
- atr = atr_array_result[ atr_length_result-1]
- unit = math.floor(portfolio_value_result * .01 / atr)
- return [atr, unit]
- def get_stop_price(first_open_price_result, units_hold_result, atr_result):
- stop_price = first_open_price_result - 2 * atr_result \
- + (units_hold_result - 1) * 0.5 * atr_result
- return stop_price
- def init(context):
- context.trade_day_num = 0
- context.unit = 0
- context.atr = 0
- context.trading_signal = 'start'
- context.pre_trading_signal = ''
- context.units_hold_max = 4
- context.units_hold = 0
- context.quantity = 0
- context.max_add = 0
- context.first_open_price = 0
- context.s = '000300.XSHG'
- context.open_observe_time = 55
- context.close_observe_time = 20
- context.atr_time = 20
- def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
- portfolio_value = context.portfolio.portfolio_value
- high_price = history_bars(context.s, context.open_observe_time+1, '1d', 'high')
- low_price_for_atr = history_bars(context.s, context.open_observe_time+1, '1d', 'low')
- low_price_for_extreme = history_bars(context.s, context.close_observe_time+1, '1d', 'low')
- close_price = history_bars(context.s, context.open_observe_time+2, '1d', 'close')
- close_price_for_atr = close_price[:-1]
- atr_array = talib.ATR(high_price, low_price_for_atr, close_price_for_atr, timeperiod=context.atr_time)
- maxx = get_extreme(high_price, low_price_for_extreme)[0]
- minn = get_extreme(high_price, low_price_for_extreme)[1]
- atr = atr_array[-2]
- if context.trading_signal != 'start':
- if context.units_hold != 0:
- context.max_add += 0.5 * get_atr_and_unit(atr_array, atr_array.size, portfolio_value)[0]
- else:
- context.max_add = bar_dict[context.s].last
- cur_position = context.portfolio.positions[context.s].quantity
- available_cash = context.portfolio.cash
- market_value = context.portfolio.market_value
- if (cur_position > 0 and
- bar_dict[context.s].last < get_stop_price(context.first_open_price, context.units_hold, atr)):
- context.trading_signal = 'stop'
- else:
- if cur_position > 0 and bar_dict[context.s].last < minn:
- context.trading_signal = 'exit'
- else:
- if (bar_dict[context.s].last > context.max_add and context.units_hold != 0 and
- context.units_hold < context.units_hold_max and
- available_cash > bar_dict[context.s].last*context.unit):
- context.trading_signal = 'entry_add'
- else:
- if bar_dict[context.s].last > maxx and context.units_hold == 0:
- context.max_add = bar_dict[context.s].last
- context.trading_signal = 'entry'
- atr = get_atr_and_unit(atr_array, atr_array.size, portfolio_value)[0]
- if context.trade_day_num % 5 == 0:
- context.unit = get_atr_and_unit(atr_array, atr_array.size, portfolio_value)[1]
- context.trade_day_num += 1
- context.quantity = context.unit
- if (context.trading_signal != context.pre_trading_signal or
- (context.units_hold < context.units_hold_max and context.units_hold > 1) or
- context.trading_signal == 'stop'):
- if context.trading_signal == 'entry':
- context.quantity = context.unit
- if available_cash > bar_dict[context.s].last*context.quantity:
- order_shares(context.s, context.quantity)
- context.first_open_price = bar_dict[context.s].last
- context.units_hold = 1
- if context.trading_signal == 'entry_add':
- context.quantity = context.unit
- order_shares(context.s, context.quantity)
- context.units_hold += 1
- if context.trading_signal == 'stop':
- if context.units_hold > 0:
- order_shares(context.s, -context.quantity)
- context.units_hold -= 1
- if context.trading_signal == 'exit':
- if cur_position > 0:
- order_shares(context.s, -cur_position)
- context.units_hold = 0
- context.pre_trading_signal = context.trading_signal