
Tidy是Robot Framework内置的用于整理和转换测试数据文件的工具.

工具执行结果的默认输出是标准输出流, 不过自从Robot Framework 2.7.5版本后可以将输出文件作为可选参数给出.

如果使用了选项 —inplace—recursive, 文件就会就地修改(也就是原文件会被整理后的文件就地覆盖).



  1. python -m robot.tidy [options] inputfile
  2. python -m robot.tidy [options] inputfile [outputfile]
  3. python -m robot.tidy --inplace [options] inputfile [more input files]
  4. python -m robot.tidy --recursive [options] directory


-i, —inplace

Tidy given file(s) so that original file(s) are overwritten (or removed, if the format is changed). When this option is used, it is possible to give multiple input files. Examples:

  1. python -m robot.tidy inplace tests.html
  2. python -m robot.tidy inplace format txt *.html
-r, —recursive
Process given directory recursively. Files in the directory are processed in place similarly as when —inplace option is used.
-f, —format <robot|txt|html|tsv>
Output file format. If the output file is given explicitly, the default value is got from its extension. Otherwise the format is not changed.
-p, —use-pipes
Use a pipe character (|) as a cell separator in the txt format.
-s, —spacecount <number>
The number of spaces between cells in the txt format. New in Robot Framework 2.7.3.
-l, —lineseparator <native|windows|unix>

Line separator to use in outputs. The default is ‘native’.

  • native: use operating system’s native line separators
  • windows: use Windows line separators (CRLF)
  • unix: use Unix line separators (LF)

New in Robot Framework 2.7.6.

-h, —help Show this help.


虽然Tidy在上面总览只用了Python来执行, 但是它还支持Jython和IronPython. 而且上面Tide是作为已安装的模块来执行的(python -m robot.tidy), 实际还可以当作脚本来执行:

  1. python path/robot/ [options] arguments

如果你是 手动安装, 或者只是把 robot 目录拷贝到系统某个目录时, 按脚本执行就会非常有用.


所有的输出文件都使用UTF-8编码写入, 控制台输出则使用当前控制台的编码.


使用HTML编辑器或者手工编写的测试用例文件都可以使用Tidy来标准化. Tidy总是使用一致的题头, 一致顺序的settings, 以及在表格和单元格中间使用一致的空格.


  1. python -m robot.tidy messed_up_tests.html cleaned_tests.html
  2. python -m robot.tidy --inplace tests.txt


Robot Framework支持多种格式的测试数据, 包括HTML, TSV和TXT. Tidy可以轻松地在这些格式之间转换. 输入格式总是基于输入文件的扩展名来判断, 输出的格式则使用 —format 选项来指定, 如果不指定该选项, 则默认的格式将从可能的输出文件扩展名来获取.


  1. python -m robot.tidy tests.html tests.txt
  2. python -m robot.tidy --format txt --inplace tests.html
  3. python -m robot.tidy --format tsv --recursive mytests