8.26 Operator Precedence

Operator precedence in falling priority:

Unary + - bnot not
/ * div rem band andLeft associative
+ - bor bxor bsl bsr or xorLeft associative
++ —Right associative
== /= =< < >= > =:= =/=
= !Right associative

Table 8.6: Operator Precedence

When evaluating an expression, the operator with the highest priority is evaluated first. Operators with the same priority are evaluated according to their associativity.


The left associative arithmetic operators are evaluated left to right:

  1. 6 + 5 * 4 - 3 / 2 evaluates to
  2. 6 + 20 - 1.5 evaluates to
  3. 26 - 1.5 evaluates to
  4. 24.5