在使用 Redis 的过程中,我们可能会想要知道 Redis 数据库中各种键的类型分布状况:比如说,我们可能会想要知道数据库里面有多少个字符串键、有多少个列表键、有多少个散列键,以及这些键在数据库键的总数量中占多少个百分比。
代码清单 11-2 展示了一个能够计算出以上信息的数据库取样程序。DbSampler
程序会对数据库进行迭代,使用 TYPE
代码清单 11-2 数据库取样程序:/database/db_sampler.py
- def type_sample_result(type_name, type_counter, db_size):
- result = "{0}: {1} keys, {2}% of the total."
- return result.format(type_name, type_counter, type_counter*100.0/db_size)
- class DbSampler:
- def __init__(self, client):
- self.client = client
- def sample(self):
- # 键类型计数器
- type_counter = {
- "string": 0,
- "list": 0,
- "hash": 0,
- "set": 0,
- "zset": 0,
- "stream": 0,
- }
- # 遍历整个数据库
- for key in self.client.scan_iter():
- # 获取键的类型
- type = self.client.type(key)
- # 对相应的类型计数器执行加一操作
- type_counter[type] += 1
- # 获取数据库大小
- db_size = self.client.dbsize()
- # 打印结果
- print("Sampled {0} keys.".format(db_size))
- print(type_sample_result("String", type_counter["string"], db_size))
- print(type_sample_result("List", type_counter["list"], db_size))
- print(type_sample_result("Hash", type_counter["hash"], db_size))
- print(type_sample_result("Set", type_counter["set"], db_size))
- print(type_sample_result("SortedSet", type_counter["zset"], db_size))
- print(type_sample_result("Stream", type_counter["stream"], db_size))
- >>> from redis import Redis
- >>> from create_random_type_keys import create_random_type_keys
- >>> from db_sampler import DbSampler
- >>> client = Redis(decode_responses=True)
- >>> create_random_type_keys(client, 1000) # 创建 1000 个类型随机的键
- >>> sampler = DbSampler(client)
- >>> sampler.sample()
- Sampled 1000 keys.
- String: 179 keys, 17.9% of the total.
- List: 155 keys, 15.5% of the total.
- Hash: 172 keys, 17.2% of the total.
- Set: 165 keys, 16.5% of the total.
- SortedSet: 161 keys, 16.1% of the total.
- Stream: 168 keys, 16.8% of the total.
为了演示方便,上面的代码使用了 create_random_type_keys()
函数来创建出指定数量的类型随机键,代码清单 11-3 展示了这个函数的具体定义。
代码清单 11-3 随机键生成程序:/database/create_random_type_keys.py
- import random
- def create_random_type_keys(client, number):
- """
- 在数据库中创建指定数量的类型随机键。
- """
- for i in range(number):
- # 构建键名
- key = "key:{0}".format(i)
- # 从六个键创建函数中随机选择一个
- create_key_func = random.choice([
- create_string,
- create_hash,
- create_list,
- create_set,
- create_zset,
- create_stream
- ])
- # 实际地创建键
- create_key_func(client, key)
- def create_string(client, key):
- client.set(key, "")
- def create_hash(client, key):
- client.hset(key, "", "")
- def create_list(client, key):
- client.rpush(key, "")
- def create_set(client, key):
- client.sadd(key, "")
- def create_zset(client, key):
- client.zadd(key, {"":0})
- def create_stream(client, key):
- client.xadd(key, {"":""})