RedisGears Module
Dynamic execution framework for your Redis data:
To quickly tryout RedisGears, launch an instance using docker:
- docker run redislabs/redisgears:latest
- Install Redis 5.0 on you machine.
- On Mac OSX (High Sierra), install Xcode command line tools:
- xcode-select --install
- Run:
make setup
- sudo mkdir -p /opt
- make fetch # this will aquire git submodules
- make all
Notice that part of the compilation is to create the gears virtual environment under /opt/redislabs/lib/modules/python3/
If you running gears on the same machine on which it was compile then its enough just loading the RedisGears module:
—loamodule <path to
If you run RedisGears on another machine, some extra setup is needed. For RedisGears to run properly, it needs to have the virtual environment which was created when it was compiled. All the required files are located in /opt/redislabs/lib/modules/python3
make sure to copy this directory to the machine where Redis is running and to the same path (i.e /opt/redislabs/lib/modules/python3
Tests are written in python using the RLTest library.
- $ make test
Client libraries
Currently there is no special RedisGears client, that said, any client that allows sending custom commands to Redis should be enough.
Cluster Support
All of RedisGears' operations are fully supported on OSS and Enterprise clusters. Note that the module needs to be loaded on all the cluster nodes. In addition, on OSS cluster, after setting up the cluster you need to run RG.REFRESHCLUSTER
on each node.