Properly Installing Python
There’s a good chance that you already have Python on your operating system.
If so, you do not need to install or configure anything else to use Python.Having said that, I would strongly recommend that you install the tools andlibraries described in the guides below before you start building Pythonapplications for real-world use. In particular, you should always installSetuptools, Pip, and Virtualenv — they make it much easier for you to useother third-party Python libraries.
The use of Python 3 is highly preferred over Python 2. Consider upgrading your applications and infrastructure if you find yourself still using Python 2 in production today. If you are using Python 3, congratulations — you are indeed a person of excellent taste.—Kenneth Reitz
Installation Guides
These guides go over the proper installation of Pythonfor development purposes, as well as setuptools, pip and virtualenv.