权威证书和7层负载均衡的cluster.yml 文件模板

RKE 使用 cluster.yml 文件安装和配置您的 Kubernetes 集群。

本模板旨在用于 RKE 插件安装,只支持到 Rancher v2.0.8。如果您要安装更新的 Rancher 版本,请使用 Rancher Helm chart。有关详细信息,请参阅Kubernetes 安装-安装大纲

如果您使用配置如下所示,您可以使用这个 cluster.yml 模板安装和配置集群。

详情请参考RKE 文档

  1. nodes:
  2. - address: <IP> # hostname or IP to access nodes
  3. user: <USER> # root user (usually 'root')
  4. role: [controlplane, etcd, worker] # K8s roles for node
  5. ssh_key_path: <PEM_FILE> # path to PEM file
  6. - address: <IP>
  7. user: <USER>
  8. role: [controlplane, etcd, worker]
  9. ssh_key_path: <PEM_FILE>
  10. - address: <IP>
  11. user: <USER>
  12. role: [controlplane, etcd, worker]
  13. ssh_key_path: <PEM_FILE>
  14. services:
  15. etcd:
  16. snapshot: true
  17. creation: 6h
  18. retention: 24h
  19. addons: |-
  20. ---
  21. kind: Namespace
  22. apiVersion: v1
  23. metadata:
  24. name: cattle-system
  25. ---
  26. kind: ServiceAccount
  27. apiVersion: v1
  28. metadata:
  29. name: cattle-admin
  30. namespace: cattle-system
  31. ---
  32. kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  33. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  34. metadata:
  35. name: cattle-crb
  36. namespace: cattle-system
  37. subjects:
  38. - kind: ServiceAccount
  39. name: cattle-admin
  40. namespace: cattle-system
  41. roleRef:
  42. kind: ClusterRole
  43. name: cluster-admin
  44. apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  45. ---
  46. apiVersion: v1
  47. kind: Service
  48. metadata:
  49. namespace: cattle-system
  50. name: cattle-service
  51. labels:
  52. app: cattle
  53. spec:
  54. ports:
  55. - port: 80
  56. targetPort: 80
  57. protocol: TCP
  58. name: http
  59. selector:
  60. app: cattle
  61. ---
  62. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
  63. kind: Ingress
  64. metadata:
  65. namespace: cattle-system
  66. name: cattle-ingress-http
  67. annotations:
  68. nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-connect-timeout: "30"
  69. nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: "1800" # Max time in seconds for ws to remain shell window open
  70. nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-send-timeout: "1800" # Max time in seconds for ws to remain shell window open
  71. nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false" # Disable redirect to ssl
  72. spec:
  73. rules:
  74. - host: <FQDN>
  75. http:
  76. paths:
  77. - backend:
  78. serviceName: cattle-service
  79. servicePort: 80
  80. ---
  81. kind: Deployment
  82. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
  83. metadata:
  84. namespace: cattle-system
  85. name: cattle
  86. spec:
  87. replicas: 1
  88. template:
  89. metadata:
  90. labels:
  91. app: cattle
  92. spec:
  93. serviceAccountName: cattle-admin
  94. containers:
  95. # Rancher install via RKE addons is only supported up to v2.0.8
  96. - image: rancher/rancher:v2.0.8
  97. args:
  98. - --no-cacerts
  99. imagePullPolicy: Always
  100. name: cattle-server
  101. # env:
  102. # - name: HTTP_PROXY
  103. # value: "http://your_proxy_address:port"
  104. # - name: HTTPS_PROXY
  105. # value: "http://your_proxy_address:port"
  106. # - name: NO_PROXY
  107. # value: "localhost,,,,your_network_ranges_that_dont_need_proxy_to_access"
  108. livenessProbe:
  109. httpGet:
  110. path: /ping
  111. port: 80
  112. initialDelaySeconds: 60
  113. periodSeconds: 60
  114. readinessProbe:
  115. httpGet:
  116. path: /ping
  117. port: 80
  118. initialDelaySeconds: 20
  119. periodSeconds: 10
  120. ports:
  121. - containerPort: 80
  122. protocol: TCP