Create HTTP Gateway Policy

Basic Information

Create HTTP Gateway Policy


  1. POST /openapi/v1/teams/{team_id}/regions/{region_name}/apps/{app_id}/httpdomains


  1. {
  2. "service_id": "string",
  3. "container_port": 0,
  4. "certificate_id": 0,
  5. "domain_name": "string",
  6. "domain_cookie": "string",
  7. "domain_header": "string" ,
  8. "the_weight": 0,
  9. "domain_path": "/",
  10. "rule_extensions": [],
  11. "whether_open": false,
  12. "auto_ssl": false,
  13. "auto_ssl_config": "string",
  14. " configuration": {
  15. "proxy_body_size": 0,
  16. "proxy_buffer_numbers": 4,
  17. "proxy_buffer_size": 4,
  18. "proxy_buffering": "off",
  19. "proxy_connect_timeout": 75,
  20. "proxy_read_timeout": 60,
  21. " proxy_send_timeout": 60,
  22. "set_headers": [
  23. {
  24. "key": "string",
  25. "value": "string"
  26. }
  27. ]
  28. }
  29. }

request parameters

nameLocationtyperequiredChinese nameillustrate
app_idpathintegerYesApp ID

back to example

return result

status codeStatus code meaningillustratedata model



  1. {
  2. "service_id": "string",
  3. "container_port": 0,
  4. "certificate_id": 0,
  5. "domain_name": "string",
  6. "domain_cookie": "string",
  7. "domain_header": "string" ,
  8. "the_weight": 0,
  9. "domain_path": "/",
  10. "rule_extensions": [],
  11. "whether_open": false,
  12. "auto_ssl": false,
  13. "auto_ssl_config": "string",
  14. " configuration": {
  15. "proxy_body_size": 0,
  16. "proxy_buffer_numbers": 4,
  17. "proxy_buffer_size": 4,
  18. "proxy_buffering": "off",
  19. "proxy_connect_timeout": 75,
  20. "proxy_read_timeout": 60,
  21. " proxy_send_timeout": 60,
  22. "set_headers": [
  23. {
  24. "key": "string",
  25. "value": "string"
  26. }
  27. ]
  28. }
  29. }


nametyperequiredconstraintChinese nameillustrate
service_idstringtruenoneService idapplication component id
container_portintegertruenoneContainer portbind port
certificate_idintegerfalsenoneCertificate idcertificate id
domain_namestringtruenoneDomain namedomain name
domain_cookiestringfalsenoneDomain cookiesdomain cookie
domain_headerstringfalsenoneDomain headerdomain header
the_weightintegerfalsenoneThe weightnone
domain_pathstringfalsenoneDomain pathdomain name path
rule_extensions[string]falsenonerule extension
whether_openbooleanfalsenoneWhether openIs it open
auto_sslbooleanfalsenoneAuto sslWhether to automatically match the certificate and upgrade to https, if enabled, the upgrade will be completed by an external service
auto_ssl_configstringfalsenoneAuto ssl configAutomatic distribution certificate configuration
configurationConfigurationfalsenoneAdvanced parameter configuration


  1. {
  2. "ID": 0,
  3. "rule_extensions": [
  4. "string"
  5. ],
  6. "http_rule_id": "string",
  7. "region_id": "string",
  8. "tenant_id": "string",
  9. " service_id": "string",
  10. "service_name": "string",
  11. "domain_name": "string",
  12. "container_port": -2147483648,
  13. "protocol": "string",
  14. "certificate_id": -2147483648,
  15. "domain_type": "string",
  16. "service_alias": "string",
  17. "is_senior": true,
  18. "domain_path": "string",
  19. "domain_cookie": "string",
  20. "domain_heander": "string ",
  21. "type": -2147483648,
  22. "the_weight": -2147483648,
  23. "is_outer_service": true,
  24. "auto_ssl": true,
  25. "auto_ssl_config": "string",
  26. "path_rewrite": true,
  27. " rewrites": "string"
  28. }


nametyperequiredconstraintChinese nameillustrate
http_rule_idstringtruenoneHttp rule idhttp_rule_id
region_idstringtruenoneRegion idregion id
tenant_idstringtruenoneTenant idtenant id
service_idstringtruenoneService idcomponent id
service_namestringtruenoneService namecomponent name
domain_namestringtruenoneDomain namedomain name
container_portintegerfalsenoneContainer portcontainer port
protocolstringfalsenoneProtocolDomain type http https httptp https http and https
certificate_idintegerfalsenoneCertificate idCertificate ID
domain_typestringfalsenoneDomain typeComponent domain name type
service_aliasstringfalsenoneService aliascomponent alias
is_seniorbooleanfalsenoneIs seniorIs there an advanced route
domain_pathstringfalsenoneDomain pathdomain name path
domain_cookiestringfalsenoneDomain cookiesdomain cookie
domain_heanderstringfalsenoneDomain heanderdomain name heander
typeintegerfalsenoneTypeType (default:0, custom:1)
the_weightintegerfalsenoneThe weightWeights
is_outer_servicebooleanfalsenoneIs outer serviceWhether the external port has been opened
auto_sslbooleanfalsenoneAuto sslWhether to automatically match the certificate and upgrade to https, if enabled, the upgrade will be completed by an external service
auto_ssl_configstring¦nullfalsenoneAuto ssl configAutomatic distribution certificate configuration
path_rewritebooleanfalsenonePath rewriteWhether to enable simple route rewriting
rewritesstringfalsenoneRewritesComplex route rewrite configuration