
Use r2 -H to list all the environment variables that matter to know where it will be looking for files. Those paths depend on the way (and operating system) you have built r2 for.

  1. R2_PREFIX=/usr
  2. MAGICPATH=/usr/share/radare2/2.8.0-git/magic
  3. PREFIX=/usr
  4. INCDIR=/usr/include/libr
  5. LIBDIR=/usr/lib64
  6. LIBEXT=so
  7. RCONFIGHOME=/home/user/.config/radare2
  8. RDATAHOME=/home/user/.local/share/radare2
  9. RCACHEHOME=/home/user/.cache/radare2
  10. LIBR_PLUGINS=/usr/lib/radare2/2.8.0-git
  11. USER_PLUGINS=/home/user/.local/share/radare2/plugins
  12. USER_ZIGNS=/home/user/.local/share/radare2/zigns

RC Files

RC files are r2 scripts that are loaded at startup time. Those files must be in 3 different places:


radare2 will first try to load /usr/share/radare2/radare2rc

Your Home

Each user in the system can have its own r2 scripts to run on startup to select the color scheme, and other custom options by having r2 commands in there.

  • ~/.radare2rc
  • ~/.config/radare2/radare2rc
  • ~/.config/radare2/radare2rc.d/

Target file

If you want to run a script everytime you open a file, just create a file with the same name of the file but appending .r2 to it.