
ragg2 stands for radare2 egg, this is the basic block to construct relocatable snippets of code to be used for injection in target processes when doing exploiting.

ragg2 compiles programs written in a simple high-level language into tiny binaries for x86, x86-64, and ARM.

By default it will compile it’s own ragg2 language, but you can also compile C code using GCC or Clang shellcodes depending on the file extension. Lets create C file called a.c:

  1. int main() {
  2. write(1, "Hello World\n", 13);
  3. return 0;
  4. }
  1. $ ragg2 -a x86 -b32 a.c
  2. e900000000488d3516000000bf01000000b80400000248c7c20d0000000f0531c0c348656c6c6f20576f726c640a00
  3. $ rasm2 -a x86 -b 32 -D e900000000488d3516000000bf01000000b80400000248c7c20d0000000f0531c0c348656c6c6f20576f726c640a00
  4. 0x00000000 5 e900000000 jmp 5
  5. 0x00000005 1 48 dec eax
  6. 0x00000006 6 8d3516000000 lea esi, [0x16]
  7. 0x0000000c 5 bf01000000 mov edi, 1
  8. 0x00000011 5 b804000002 mov eax, 0x2000004
  9. 0x00000016 1 48 dec eax
  10. 0x00000017 6 c7c20d000000 mov edx, 0xd
  11. 0x0000001d 2 0f05 syscall
  12. 0x0000001f 2 31c0 xor eax, eax
  13. 0x00000021 1 c3 ret
  14. 0x00000022 1 48 dec eax
  15. 0x00000023 2 656c insb byte es:[edi], dx
  16. 0x00000025 1 6c insb byte es:[edi], dx
  17. 0x00000026 1 6f outsd dx, dword [esi]
  18. 0x00000027 3 20576f and byte [edi + 0x6f], dl
  19. 0x0000002a 2 726c jb 0x98
  20. 0x0000002c 3 640a00 or al, byte fs:[eax]

Compiling ragg2 example

  1. $ cat hello.r
  2. exit@syscall(1);
  3. main@global() {
  4. exit(2);
  5. }
  6. $ ragg2 -a x86 -b 64 hello.r
  7. 48c7c00200000050488b3c2448c7c0010000000f054883c408c3
  8. 0x00000000 1 48 dec eax
  9. 0x00000001 6 c7c002000000 mov eax, 2
  10. 0x00000007 1 50 push eax
  11. 0x00000008 1 48 dec eax
  12. 0x00000009 3 8b3c24 mov edi, dword [esp]
  13. 0x0000000c 1 48 dec eax
  14. 0x0000000d 6 c7c001000000 mov eax, 1
  15. 0x00000013 2 0f05 syscall
  16. 0x00000015 1 48 dec eax
  17. 0x00000016 3 83c408 add esp, 8
  18. 0x00000019 1 c3 ret
  19. $ rasm2 -a x86 -b 64 -D 48c7c00200000050488b3c2448c7c0010000000f054883c408c3
  20. 0x00000000 7 48c7c002000000 mov rax, 2
  21. 0x00000007 1 50 push rax
  22. 0x00000008 4 488b3c24 mov rdi, qword [rsp]
  23. 0x0000000c 7 48c7c001000000 mov rax, 1
  24. 0x00000013 2 0f05 syscall
  25. 0x00000015 4 4883c408 add rsp, 8
  26. 0x00000019 1 c3 ret

Tiny binaries

You can create them using the -F flag in ragg2, or the -C in rabin2.