IO plugins
All access to files, network, debugger and all input/output in general is wrapped by an IO abstraction layer that allows radare to treat all data as if it were just a file.
IO plugins are the ones used to wrap the open, read, write and ‘system’ on virtual file systems. You can make radare understand anything as a plain file. E.g. a socket connection, a remote radare session, a file, a process, a device, a gdb session.
So, when radare reads a block of bytes, it is the task of an IO plugin to get these bytes from any place and put them into internal buffer. An IO plugin is chosen by a file’s URI to be opened. Some examples:
- Debugging URIs
$ r2 dbg:///bin/ls<br />
$ r2 pid://1927
- Remote sessions
$ r2 rap://:1234<br />
$ r2 rap://<host>:1234//bin/ls
- Virtual buffers
$ r2 malloc://512<br />
shortcut for
$ r2 -
You can get a list of the radare IO plugins by typing radare2 -L
$ r2 -L
rw_ ar Open ar/lib files [ar|lib]://[file//path] (LGPL3)
rw_ bfdbg BrainFuck Debugger (bfdbg://path/to/file) (LGPL3)
rwd bochs Attach to a BOCHS debugger (LGPL3)
r_d debug Native debugger (dbg:///bin/ls dbg://1388 pidof:// waitfor://) (LGPL3) v0.2.0 pancake
rw_ default open local files using def_mmap:// (LGPL3)
rwd gdb Attach to gdbserver, 'qemu -s', gdb://localhost:1234 (LGPL3)
rw_ gprobe open gprobe connection using gprobe:// (LGPL3)
rw_ gzip read/write gzipped files (LGPL3)
rw_ http http get ( (LGPL3)
rw_ ihex Intel HEX file (ihex://eeproms.hex) (LGPL)
r__ mach mach debug io (unsupported in this platform) (LGPL)
rw_ malloc memory allocation (malloc://1024 hex://cd8090) (LGPL3)
rw_ mmap open file using mmap:// (LGPL3)
rw_ null null-plugin (null://23) (LGPL3)
rw_ procpid /proc/pid/mem io (LGPL3)
rwd ptrace ptrace and /proc/pid/mem (if available) io (LGPL3)
rwd qnx Attach to QNX pdebug instance, qnx://host:1234 (LGPL3)
rw_ r2k kernel access API io (r2k://) (LGPL3)
rw_ r2pipe r2pipe io plugin (MIT)
rw_ r2web r2web io client (r2web:// (LGPL3)
rw_ rap radare network protocol (rap://:port rap://host:port/file) (LGPL3)
rw_ rbuf RBuffer IO plugin: rbuf:// (LGPL)
rw_ self read memory from myself using 'self://' (LGPL3)
rw_ shm shared memory resources (shm://key) (LGPL3)
rw_ sparse sparse buffer allocation (sparse://1024 sparse://) (LGPL3)
rw_ tcp load files via TCP (listen or connect) (LGPL3)
rwd windbg Attach to a KD debugger (windbg://socket) (LGPL3)
rwd winedbg Wine-dbg io and plugin for r2 (MIT)
rw_ zip Open zip files [apk|ipa|zip|zipall]://[file//path] (BSD)