Qt Safe Renderer C++ Classes
SafeRenderer | Namespace |
QSafeMessageInterface | Abstract communication interface between processes that are not critical for safety and those that are critical for safety |
NetworkMessagePlugin | Implementation of QSafeMessageInterface that uses the TCP/IP socket to send safe events to the Safe Renderer process |
PosixMessagePlugin | The implementation QSafeMessageInterface which uses POSIX message queue to send the safe events to the Safe Renderer process |
QnxMessagePlugin | Implementation of QSafeMessageInterface that uses a QNX pulse message to send safe events to the Safe Renderer process |
SafeRenderer::QSafeBitmapBuffer | Holds the bitmap data |
SafeRenderer::QSafeBitmapFileReader | Reads the bitmap data from the file |
SafeRenderer::QSafeBitmapResource | The Qt resource file implementation of QSafeBitmap |
SafeRenderer::QSafeBitmapResourceReader | The Qt resource file implementation of QSafeBitmapReader |
SafeRenderer::Constraints | A struct that holds various constraint values for Qt Safe Renderer |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEvent | Base class for the Qt Safe Renderer events |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventChangeLayout | Changes the safe renderer layout to another |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventConnection | Connects layout item to the system event |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventHeartbeat | Represents the keepalive message from non-safe to safe side |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventHeartbeatTimeout | Sent when timeout heart beat timeout occurs |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventPosition | Changes the item position |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventSetText | Changes the text in layout |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventSetTextColor | Event that changes the color of the text element |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventSystem | Sends the system event state change |
SafeRenderer::QSafeEventVisibility | Event that changes the item visibility |
SafeRenderer::QSafeFile | Reads the data from the file |
SafeRenderer::QSafeFont | Reads the QPF2 font file |
SafeRenderer::LayoutData | Encapsulates layout data |
SafeRenderer::QSafeLayout | Abstract class for accessing the Qt Safe Renderer layout data |
SafeRenderer::QSafeLayoutFileReader | Reads the layout data from a file |
SafeRenderer::QSafeLayoutResourceReader | Reads the layout data from the Qt's resource structure |
SafeRenderer::QSafePoint | Holds the x-coordinate and y-coordinate |
SafeRenderer::QSafeRenderer | Renders the safe layout |
SafeRenderer::QSafeSize | Holds the height and width variables |
SafeRenderer::QStringSplitter | Splits the string this instance was constructed with to segments separated by split character |
SafeRenderer::AbstractFrameBuffer | Interface for accessing the system's frame buffer |
SafeRenderer::AbstractWindow | Controls the drawing |
SafeRenderer::StateManager | Maintains the state of the indicators |
Note: The implementation of the safety requirements concerns only content inside the SafeRenderer
Integrating Qt Safe RendererQt Safe Renderer QML Types
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