


在本教程中,你需要安装onnx和Caffe2。您可以使用pip install onnx获取onnx的二进制版本。

注意: 本教程需要PyTorch master分支,可以按照 这里说明进行安装。

  1. # 一些包的导入
  2. import io
  3. import numpy as np
  4. from torch import nn
  5. import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo
  6. import torch.onnx


首先,让我们在PyTorch中创建一个SuperResolution模型。这个模型 直接来自PyTorch的例子,没有修改:

  1. # PyTorch中定义的Super Resolution模型
  2. import torch.nn as nn
  3. import torch.nn.init as init
  4. class SuperResolutionNet(nn.Module):
  5. def __init__(self, upscale_factor, inplace=False):
  6. super(SuperResolutionNet, self).__init__()
  7. self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=inplace)
  8. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), (2, 2))
  9. self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, (3, 3), (1, 1), (1, 1))
  10. self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 32, (3, 3), (1, 1), (1, 1))
  11. self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(32, upscale_factor ** 2, (3, 3), (1, 1), (1, 1))
  12. self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(upscale_factor)
  13. self._initialize_weights()
  14. def forward(self, x):
  15. x = self.relu(self.conv1(x))
  16. x = self.relu(self.conv2(x))
  17. x = self.relu(self.conv3(x))
  18. x = self.pixel_shuffle(self.conv4(x))
  19. return x
  20. def _initialize_weights(self):
  21. init.orthogonal_(self.conv1.weight, init.calculate_gain('relu'))
  22. init.orthogonal_(self.conv2.weight, init.calculate_gain('relu'))
  23. init.orthogonal_(self.conv3.weight, init.calculate_gain('relu'))
  24. init.orthogonal_(self.conv4.weight)
  25. # 使用上面模型定义,创建super-resolution模型
  26. torch_model = SuperResolutionNet(upscale_factor=3)

通常,你现在会训练这个模型; 但是,对于本教程我们将下载一些预先训练的权重。请注意,此模型未经过充分训练来获得良好的准确性,此处仅用于演示目的。

  1. # 加载预先训练好的模型权重
  2. del_url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/pytorch/test_data/export/superres_epoch100-44c6958e.pth'
  3. batch_size = 1 # just a random number
  4. # 使用预训练的权重初始化模型
  5. map_location = lambda storage, loc: storage
  6. if torch.cuda.is_available():
  7. map_location = None
  8. torch_model.load_state_dict(model_zoo.load_url(model_url, map_location=map_location))
  9. # 将训练模式设置为falsesince we will only run the forward pass.
  10. torch_model.train(False)

在PyTorch中导出模型通过跟踪工作。要导出模型,请调用torch.onnx._export()函数。这将执行模型,记录运算符用于计算输出的轨迹。因为_export运行模型,我们需要提供输入张量x。这个张量的值并不重要; 它可以是图像或随机张量,只要它是正确的大小。

要了解有关PyTorch导出界面的更多详细信息,请查看torch.onnx documentation文档。

  1. # 输入模型
  2. x = torch.randn(batch_size, 1, 224, 224, requires_grad=True)
  3. # 导出模型
  4. torch_out = torch.onnx._export(torch_model, # model being run
  5. x, # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs)
  6. "super_resolution.onnx", # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object)
  7. export_params=True) # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file

torch_out 是执行模型后的输出。通常您可以忽略此输出,但在这里我们将使用它来验证我们导出的模型在Caffe2中运行时计算相同的值。


  1. import onnx
  2. import caffe2.python.onnx.backend as onnx_caffe2_backend
  3. # Load the ONNX ModelProto object. model is a standard Python protobuf object
  4. model = onnx.load("super_resolution.onnx")
  5. # prepare the caffe2 backend for executing the model this converts the ONNX model into a
  6. # Caffe2 NetDef that can execute it. Other ONNX backends, like one for CNTK will be
  7. # availiable soon.
  8. prepared_backend = onnx_caffe2_backend.prepare(model)
  9. # run the model in Caffe2
  10. # Construct a map from input names to Tensor data.
  11. # The graph of the model itself contains inputs for all weight parameters, after the input image.
  12. # Since the weights are already embedded, we just need to pass the input image.
  13. # Set the first input.
  14. W = {model.graph.input[0].name: x.data.numpy()}
  15. # Run the Caffe2 net:
  16. c2_out = prepared_backend.run(W)[0]
  17. # Verify the numerical correctness upto 3 decimal places
  18. np.testing.assert_almost_equal(torch_out.data.cpu().numpy(), c2_out, decimal=3)
  19. print("Exported model has been executed on Caffe2 backend, and the result looks good!")






我们将使用Caffe2的mobile_exporter生成可在移动设备上运行的两个模型protobufs。 第一个用于使用正确的权重初始化网络,第二个实际运行执行模型。在本教程的其余部分,我们将继续使用小型超分辨率模型。

  1. # extract the workspace and the model proto from the internal representation
  2. c2_workspace = prepared_backend.workspace
  3. c2_model = prepared_backend.predict_net
  4. # 现在导入caffe2mobile_exporter
  5. from caffe2.python.predictor import mobile_exporter
  6. # call the Export to get the predict_net, init_net. These nets are needed for running things on mobile
  7. init_net, predict_net = mobile_exporter.Export(c2_workspace, c2_model, c2_model.external_input)
  8. # 我们还将init_net和predict_net保存到我们稍后将用于在移动设备上运行它们的文件中
  9. with open('init_net.pb', "wb") as fopen:
  10. fopen.write(init_net.SerializeToString())
  11. with open('predict_net.pb', "wb") as fopen:
  12. fopen.write(predict_net.SerializeToString())

init_net具有模型参数和嵌入在其中的模型输入,predict_net将用于指导运行时的init_net执行。 在本教程中,我们将使用上面生成的init_netpredict_net,并在正常的Caffe2后端和移动设备中运行它们,并验证两次运行中生成的输出高分辨率猫咪图像是否相同。



  1. # Some standard imports
  2. from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2
  3. from caffe2.python import core, net_drawer, net_printer, visualize, workspace, utils
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import os
  6. import subprocess
  7. from PIL import Image
  8. from matplotlib import pyplot
  9. from skimage import io, transform

首先,让我们加载图像,使用标准的skimage python库对其进行预处理。 请注意,此预处理是处理用于训练/测试神经网络的数据的标准做法。

  1. # 加载图像
  2. img_in = io.imread("./_static/img/cat.jpg")
  3. # 设置图片分辨率为 224x224
  4. img = transform.resize(img_in, [224, 224])
  5. # 保存好设置的图片作为模型的输入
  6. io.imsave("./_static/img/cat_224x224.jpg", img)

现在,作为下一步,让我们拍摄调整大小的猫图像并在Caffe2后端运行超分辨率模型并保存输出图像。 这里的图像处理步骤已经从PyTorch实现的超分辨率模型中采用。

  1. # 加载设置好的图片并更改为YCbCr的格式
  2. img = Image.open("./_static/img/cat_224x224.jpg")
  3. img_ycbcr = img.convert('YCbCr')
  4. img_y, img_cb, img_cr = img_ycbcr.split()
  5. # Let's run the mobile nets that we generated above so that caffe2 workspace is properly initialized
  6. workspace.RunNetOnce(init_net)
  7. workspace.RunNetOnce(predict_net)
  8. # Caffe2 has a nice net_printer to be able to inspect what the net looks like and identify
  9. # what our input and output blob names are.
  10. print(net_printer.to_string(predict_net))


从上面的输出中,我们可以看到输入名为“9”,输出名为“27”(我们将数字作为blob名称有点奇怪,但这是因为跟踪JIT为模型生成了编号条目)。有点问题 后续校正。

  1. # Now, let's also pass in the resized cat image for processing by the model.
  2. workspace.FeedBlob("9", np.array(img_y)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :].astype(np.float32))
  3. # run the predict_net to get the model output
  4. workspace.RunNetOnce(predict_net)
  5. # Now let's get the model output blob
  6. img_out = workspace.FetchBlob("27")


注意:对于Android开发,需要adb shell,否则教程的以下部分将无法运行。


注意: 你需要已经安装了ANDROID_NDK,并且设置环境变量ANDROID_NDK=path to ndk root

  1. # let's first push a bunch of stuff to adb, specify the path for the binary
  2. CAFFE2_MOBILE_BINARY = ('caffe2/binaries/speed_benchmark')
  3. # we had saved our init_net and proto_net in steps above, we use them now.
  4. # Push the binary and the model protos
  5. os.system('adb push ' + CAFFE2_MOBILE_BINARY + ' /data/local/tmp/')
  6. os.system('adb push init_net.pb /data/local/tmp')
  7. os.system('adb push predict_net.pb /data/local/tmp')
  8. # Let's serialize the input image blob to a blob proto and then send it to mobile for execution.
  9. with open("input.blobproto", "wb") as fid:
  10. fid.write(workspace.SerializeBlob("9"))
  11. # push the input image blob to adb
  12. os.system('adb push input.blobproto /data/local/tmp/')
  13. # Now we run the net on mobile, look at the speed_benchmark --help for what various options mean
  14. os.system(
  15. 'adb shell /data/local/tmp/speed_benchmark ' # binary to execute
  16. '--init_net=/data/local/tmp/super_resolution_mobile_init.pb ' # mobile init_net
  17. '--net=/data/local/tmp/super_resolution_mobile_predict.pb ' # mobile predict_net
  18. '--input=9 ' # name of our input image blob
  19. '--input_file=/data/local/tmp/input.blobproto ' # serialized input image
  20. '--output_folder=/data/local/tmp ' # destination folder for saving mobile output
  21. '--output=27,9 ' # output blobs we are interested in
  22. '--iter=1 ' # number of net iterations to execute
  23. '--caffe2_log_level=0 '
  24. )
  25. # get the model output from adb and save to a file
  26. os.system('adb pull /data/local/tmp/27 ./output.blobproto')
  27. # We can recover the output content and post-process the model using same steps as we followed earlier
  28. blob_proto = caffe2_pb2.BlobProto()
  29. blob_proto.ParseFromString(open('./output.blobproto').read())
  30. img_out = utils.Caffe2TensorToNumpyArray(blob_proto.tensor)
  31. img_out_y = Image.fromarray(np.uint8((img_out[0,0]).clip(0, 255)), mode='L')
  32. final_img = Image.merge(
  33. "YCbCr", [
  34. img_out_y,
  35. img_cb.resize(img_out_y.size, Image.BICUBIC),
  36. img_cr.resize(img_out_y.size, Image.BICUBIC),
  37. ]).convert("RGB")
  38. final_img.save("./_static/img/cat_superres_mobile.jpg")

现在,您可以比较图像cat_superres.jpg(来自纯caffe2后端执行的模型输出)和cat_superres_mobile.jpg(来自移动执行的模型输出),并看到两个图像看起来相同。 如果它们看起来不一样,那么在移动设备上执行会出现问题,在这种情况下,请联系Caffe2社区。你应该期望看到输出图像如下所示:


使用上述步骤,您可以轻松地在移动设备上部署模型。 另外,有关caffe2移动后端的更多信息,请查看caffe2-android-demo