Parameterized Tests

Exercise 1: Sets of example data

You have a list of pairs (word, count) that apply to the text file mobydick_summary.txt:

  1. PAIRS = [
  2. ('months', 1),
  3. ('whale', 5),
  4. ('captain', 4),
  5. ('white', 2),
  6. ('harpoon', 1),
  7. ('goldfish', 0)
  8. ]

We will create six tests from these samples.

Instead of creating six tests manually, we will use the test parametrization in pytest. Edit the file and add the following decorator to the test function:

  1. @pytest.mark.parametrize('word, number', PAIRS)

Add two arguments word and number to the function header and remove the assignment below.

Run the test and make sure all six tests pass.

Exercise 2: Write another parameterized test

The function get_top_words() calculates the most frequent words in a text corpus. It should produce the following top five results for the book mobydick_full.txt:

position word
1. of
2. the
3. is
4. sea
5. ship

Write one parameterized test that checks these five positions.