Configuring ProPlot
A special object named rc
, belonging to the RcConfigurator
class, is created on import. This is your one-stop shop for working with builtin matplotlib global settings and the global settings added by proplot. Global settings can be changed on-the-fly using the rc
object as follows:
import proplot as plot = value
plot.rc['name'] = value
plot.rc.update(name1=value1, name2=value2)
plot.rc.update({'name1': value1, 'name2': value2})
To apply settings to a particular axes, pass the setting to the format
command using either of the following approaches:
import proplot as plot
fig, ax = plot.subplots()
ax.format(name1=value1, name2=value2)
ax.format(rc_kw={'name1': value1, 'name2': value2})
In all of these examples, if the setting name contains dots, you can simply omit the dots. For example, to change the [rc[‘title.loc’]](
property, the following approaches are valid:
import proplot as plot
# Apply globally
plot.rc.titleloc = value
# Apply locally
fig, ax = plot.subplots()
Matplotlib settings
Details on the matplotlib settings can be found on this page.
ProPlot settings
ProPlot adds several settings to customize things not covered by matplotlib’s builtin settings. Some of these settings may be more accurately described as “meta-settings”, as they change several matplotlib settings at once (for example, [rc.linewidth](
changes axes edge widths, gridline widths, and tick widths). Other settings are for specific features controlled by ProPlot, like a-b-c labels.
The subplots
category controls the default layout for figures and axes. The abc
, title
, and tick
categories control a-b-c label, title, and axis tick label settings. The suptitle
, leftlabel
, toplabel
, rightlabel
, and bottomlabel
categories control figure title and edge label settings. There are two new additions to the image
category, and the new colorbar
category controls inset and outer colorbar
properties. There is also a new gridminor
category for minor gridline settings (note that gridminor
inherits grid
properties when they are changed). Finally, the land
, ocean
, rivers
, lakes
, borders
, and innerborders
categories control various GeoAxes
Key | Description |
| The default matplotlib stylesheet name. If |
| Boolean, whether to draw a-b-c labels by default. |
| Boolean, indicates whether to draw a white border around a-b-c labels when |
| Width of the white border around a-b-c labels. |
| a-b-c label color. |
| a-b-c label position. For options, see the title location table. |
| a-b-c label font size. |
| a-b-c label style. Must be string containing the character |
| a-b-c label font weight. |
| The opacity of the background axes patch. |
| Opacity of the background axes patch. |
| Float, indicates the default x axis tick label rotation for datetime tick labels. |
| Boolean, indicates whether trailing decimal zeros are trimmed on tick labels. |
| Alias for |
| Alias for |
| Alias for |
| Alias for |
| Alias for |
| Alias for |
| Boolean, toggles country border lines on and off. |
| Line color for country borders. |
| Line width for country borders. |
| Z-order for country border lines. |
| Font color for column labels on the bottom of the figure. |
| Font size for column labels on the bottom of the figure. |
| Font weight for column labels on the bottom of the figure. |
| If |
| Boolean, toggles coastline lines on and off. |
| Line color for coast lines. |
| Line width for coast lines. |
| Length of rectangular or triangular “extensions” for panel colorbars. Interpted by |
| Opacity for inset colorbar frames. |
| Boolean, indicates whether to draw a frame behind inset colorbars. |
| Boolean, indicates whether to draw borders between each level of the colorbar. |
| Length of rectangular or triangular “extensions” for inset colorbars. Interpted by |
| Length of inset colorbars. Interpted by |
| Padding between axes edge and inset colorbars. |
| Width of inset colorbars. Interpted by |
| Length of outer colorbars. |
| Inset colorbar location. For options, see the location table. |
| Width of outer colorbars. Interpted by |
| The default sequential colormap. |
| The color of axis spines, tick marks, tick labels, and labels. |
| The name of the color cycle used for plot elements like lines. |
| The color of the background axes patch. |
| Alias for |
| Boolean, toggles major grid lines on and off. |
| Alias for |
| Boolean, indicates whether to use degrees-minutes-seconds rather than decimals for gridline labels on |
| Padding in points between map boundary edge and longitude and latitude labels for |
| Boolean, indicates whether to label the longitude and latitude gridlines in |
| Font size for longitude and latitude gridline labels in |
| Font weight for longitude and latitude gridline labels in |
| Font color for longitude and latitude gridline labels in |
| Whether to use inline labels for |
| Whether to use inline labels for |
| Number of interpolation steps used to draw cartopy gridlines. |
| Ratio of minor gridline width to major gridline width. |
| Boolean, indicates whether to rotate longitude and latitude |
| Boolean, toggles minor grid lines on and off. |
| Minor gridline transparency. |
| Minor gridline color. |
| Latitude gridline interval for |
| Minor gridline style. |
| Minor gridline width. |
| Interval for |
| Whether to fix the white-lines-between-filled-contours and white-lines-between-pcolor-rectangles issues. |
| Default number of levels for |
| The inline backend figure format or list thereof. Valid formats include |
| Boolean, toggles internal political border lines (e.g. states and provinces) on and off. |
| Line color for internal political borders. |
| Line width for internal political borders. |
| Z-order for internal border lines. |
| Boolean, toggles lake patches on and off. |
| Face color for lake patches. |
| Z-order for lake patches. |
| Boolean, toggles land patches on and off. |
| Face color for land patches. |
| Z-order for land patches. |
| Font color for row labels on the left-hand side. |
| Font size for row labels on the left-hand side. |
| Font weight for row labels on the left-hand side. |
| Thickness of axes spines and major tick lines. |
| The number of colors to put in the colormap lookup table. |
| The margin of space between axes edges and objects plotted inside the axes if |
| The color for negative bars and shaded areas when using |
| The color for positive bars and shaded areas when using |
| Boolean, toggles ocean patches on and off. |
| Face color for ocean patches. |
| Z-order for ocean patches. |
| Resolution for |
| Font color for row labels on the right-hand side. |
| Font size for row labels on the right-hand side. |
| Font weight for row labels on the right-hand side. |
| Boolean, toggles river lines on and off. |
| Line color for river lines. |
| Line width for river lines. |
| Z-order for river lines. |
| Whether to align axis labels during draw. See aligning labels. |
| Padding between adjacent subplots. Interpted by |
| Default width of each axes. Interpted by |
| Padding around figure edge. Interpted by |
| Padding between subplots and panels, and between stacked panels. Interpted by |
| Width of side panels. Interpted by |
| The axis sharing level, one of |
| Boolean, toggles spanning axis labels. See |
| Boolean, indicates whether to auto-adjust figure bounds and subplot spacings. |
| Figure title color. |
| Figure title font size. |
| Figure title font weight. |
| Meta setting that changes the label-like sizes |
| Meta setting that changes the title-like sizes |
| Major and minor tick color. |
| Major and minor tick direction. Must be one of |
| Axis tick label color. Mirrors the axis label |
| Axis tick label font size. Mirrors the axis label |
| Axis tick label font weight. Mirrors the axis label |
| Length of major ticks in points. |
| Ratio of minor tickline length to major tickline length. |
| Boolean, toggles minor ticks on and off. |
| Padding between ticks and tick labels in points. |
| Ratio of minor tickline width to major tickline width. |
| Boolean, indicates whether to draw a white border around titles when |
| Width of the white border around titles. |
| Axes title color. |
| Title position. For options, see the title location table. |
| Padding between axes and outer titles or a-b-c labels in arbitrary units. Alias for |
| Axes title font size. |
| Axes title font weight. |
| Font color for column labels on the top of the figure. |
| Font size for column labels on the top of the figure. |
| Font weight for column labels on the top of the figure. |
The .proplotrc file
When you install ProPlot for the first time, a .proplotrc
file is generated and placed in your home directory. This is just like the matplotlibrc file, but for changing both ProPlot and matplotlib settings. The syntax is basically the same as the matplotlibrc
To change the default global settings, simply edit and uncomment the entries listed in this file. You can also change the settings for individual projects by placing a .proplotrc
file in the same directory as your python scripts or jupyter notebooks, or in an arbitrary parent directory. As an example, a .proplotrc
file containing the default settings is shown below.
# Use this file to change the default proplot and matplotlib settings
# The syntax is identical to matplotlibrc syntax. For details see:
# ProPlot settings
style: None
abc: False
abc.border: True
abc.borderwidth: 1.5
abc.color: black
abc.loc: l
abc.size: med-large a
abc.weight: bold
alpha: 1
axes.alpha: 1.0
formatter.timerotation: 90
formatter.zerotrim: True
formatter.limits: -5, 6
formatter.use_locale: False
formatter.use_mathtext: False
formatter.min_exponent: 0
formatter.use_offset: True
formatter.offset_threshold: 4
borders: False
borders.color: black
borders.linewidth: 0.6
borders.zorder: 2
bottomlabel.color: black
bottomlabel.size: med-large
bottomlabel.weight: bold
cartopy.autoextent: False
coast: False
coast.color: black
coast.linewidth: 0.6
colorbar.extend: 1.3em
colorbar.framealpha: 0.8
colorbar.frameon: True
colorbar.grid: False
colorbar.insetextend: 1em
colorbar.insetlength: 8em
colorbar.insetpad: 0.5em
colorbar.insetwidth: 1.2em
colorbar.length: 1
colorbar.loc: right
colorbar.width: 1.5em
cmap: fire
color: black
cycle: colorblind
facecolor: white sans-serif
grid: True
grid.below: line
grid.dmslabels: True
grid.pad: 5
grid.labels: False
grid.labelsize: medium
grid.labelweight: normal
grid.labelcolor: black
grid.latinline: False
grid.loninline: False
grid.nsteps: 250
grid.ratio: 0.5
grid.rotatelabels: False
gridminor: False
gridminor.alpha: 0.11
gridminor.color: black
gridminor.latstep: 10
gridminor.linestyle: -
gridminor.linewidth: 0.3
gridminor.lonstep: 20
image.edgefix: True
image.levels: 11
inlinefmt: retina
innerborders: False
innerborders.color: black
innerborders.linewidth: 0.6
innerborders.zorder: 2
lakes: False
lakes.color: w
lakes.zorder: 1
land: False
land.color: black
land.zorder: 1
leftlabel.color: black
leftlabel.size: med-large
leftlabel.weight: bold
linewidth: 0.6
lut: 256
margin: 0.05
negcolor: blue7
poscolor: red7
ocean: False
ocean.color: w
ocean.zorder: 1
reso: lo
rightlabel.color: black
rightlabel.size: med-large
rightlabel.weight: bold
rivers: False
rivers.color: black
rivers.linewidth: 0.6
rivers.zorder: 2
subplots.align: False
subplots.axpad: 1em
subplots.axwidth: 20em
subplots.pad: 0.5em
subplots.panelpad: 0.5em
subplots.panelwidth: 4em
subplots.share: 3
subplots.span: True
subplots.tight: True
suptitle.color: black
suptitle.size: med-large
suptitle.weight: bold
text.labelsize: medium
text.titlesize: med-large
tick.color: black
tick.dir: out
tick.labelcolor: black
tick.labelsize: medium
tick.labelweight: normal
tick.len: 4.0
tick.lenratio: 0.5
tick.minor: True
tick.pad: 2.0
tick.ratio: 0.8
title.border: True
title.borderwidth: 1.5
title.color: black
title.loc: c
title.pad: 5.0
title.size: med-large
title.weight: normal
toplabel.color: black
toplabel.size: med-large
toplabel.weight: bold
# Matplotlib settings
axes.axisbelow: line
axes.formatter.use_mathtext: False
axes.grid: True
axes.grid.which: major
axes.labelpad: 4.0
axes.labelsize: medium
axes.labelweight: normal
axes.linewidth: 0.6
axes.titlepad: 5.0
axes.titlesize: med-large
axes.titleweight: normal
axes.xmargin: 0.05
axes.ymargin: 0.05
figure.autolayout: False
figure.dpi: 100
figure.facecolor: '#f2f2f2'
figure.titlesize: med-large
figure.titleweight: bold
font.serif: TeX Gyre Schola, TeX Gyre Bonum, TeX Gyre Termes, TeX Gyre Pagella, DejaVu Serif, Bitstream Vera Serif, Computer Modern Roman, Bookman, Century Schoolbook L, Charter, ITC Bookman, New Century Schoolbook, Nimbus Roman No9 L, Palatino, Times New Roman, Times, Utopia, serif
font.sans-serif: TeX Gyre Heros, DejaVu Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans, Computer Modern Sans Serif, Arial, Avenir, Fira Math, Frutiger, Geneva, Gill Sans, Helvetica, Lucid, Lucida Grande, Myriad Pro, Noto Sans, Roboto, Source Sans Pro, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Ubuntu, Univers, Verdana, sans-serif
font.monospace: TeX Gyre Cursor, DejaVu Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Computer Modern Typewriter, Andale Mono, Courier New, Courier, Fixed, Nimbus Mono L, Terminal, monospace
font.cursive: TeX Gyre Chorus, Apple Chancery, Felipa, Sand, Script MT, Textile, Zapf Chancery, cursive
font.fantasy: TeX Gyre Adventor, Avant Garde, Charcoal, Chicago, Comic Sans MS, Futura, Humor Sans, Impact, Optima, Western, xkcd, fantasy
font.size: 9.0
grid.alpha: 0.11
grid.color: black
grid.linestyle: -
grid.linewidth: 0.6
hatch.color: black
hatch.linewidth: 0.6
image.cmap: fire
lines.linestyle: -
lines.linewidth: 1.5
lines.markersize: 6.0
legend.borderaxespad: 0
legend.borderpad: 0.5
legend.columnspacing: 1.5
legend.fancybox: False
legend.fontsize: medium
legend.framealpha: 0.8
legend.handletextpad: 0.5
mathtext.fontset: custom
mathtext.default: regular
patch.linewidth: 0.6
savefig.bbox: None
savefig.dpi: 1200
savefig.facecolor: white
savefig.format: pdf
savefig.transparent: True
xtick.direction: out
xtick.labelsize: medium
xtick.major.pad: 2.0
xtick.major.size: 4.0
xtick.major.width: 0.6
xtick.minor.pad: 2.0
xtick.minor.size: 2.0
xtick.minor.visible: True
xtick.minor.width: 0.48
ytick.direction: out
ytick.labelsize: medium
ytick.major.pad: 2.0
ytick.major.size: 4.0
ytick.major.width: 0.6
ytick.minor.pad: 2.0
ytick.minor.size: 2.0
ytick.minor.width: 0.48
ytick.minor.visible: True