External links
This page contain links to related projects and projects that inspired ProPlot or are directly used by ProPlot.
Python packages
matplotlib - The venerable plotting package we all know and love.
xarray - Package for working with annotated ND numpy arrays. If you haven’t heard of it and you work with NetCDF files, it will change your life.
pandas - Package that turns spreadsheets and tables into annotated 2D numpy arrays. Invaluable for certain types of data.
seaborn - A statistical data visualization package. Seaborn is based on matplotlib, but consists mostly of an entirely separate plotting API. It is generally not suitable for plotting geophysical data.
Downloadable colormaps
The following colormap repositories are imported and registered by ProPlot.
Color Brewer - The O.G. perceptually uniform colormap distribution. These are included with the matplotlib distribution.
cmocean - Perceptually uniform colormaps designed for oceanography, but suitable for plenty of other applications.
SciVisColor - Science-focused colormaps created by the viz team at UT Austin. Provides tools for concatenating colormaps, suitable for complex datasets with weird distributions.
Fabio Crameri - Perceptually uniform colormaps for geosciences. These maps have very unusual and interesting color transitions.
Online tools for making new colormaps
Use these resources to make colormaps from scratch.
Online tools for making new color cycles
Use these resources to make color cycles from scratch.