configuration 配置



如果想要查看所有命令,请使用命令alertmanager -h

Alertmanager能够在运行时动态加载配置文件。如果新的配置有错误,则配置中的变化不会生效,同时错误日志被输出到终端。通过发送SIGHUP信号量给这个进程,或者通过HTTP POST请求/-/reload,Alertmanager配置动态加载到内存。



./alertmanager -config.file=simple.yml


  • <duration>: 与正则表达式匹配的持续时间[0-9]+(ms|[smhdwy])
  • <labeltime>: 与正则表达式匹配的字符串[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
  • <filepath>: 当前工作目录下的有效路径
  • <boolean>: 布尔值: false 或者 true
  • <string>: 常规字符串
  • <tmpl_string>: 一个在使用前被模板扩展的字符串

其他占位符被分开指定, 一个有效的示例,点击这里


  1. global:
  2. # ResolveTimeout is the time after which an alert is declared resolved
  3. # if it has not been updated.
  4. [ resolve_timeout: <duration> | default = 5m ]
  5. # The default SMTP From header field.
  6. [ smtp_from: <tmpl_string> ]
  7. # The default SMTP smarthost used for sending emails.
  8. [ smtp_smarthost: <string> ]
  9. # SMTP authentication information.
  10. [ smtp_auth_username: <string> ]
  11. [ smtp_auth_password: <string> ]
  12. [ smtp_auth_secret: <string> ]
  13. # The default SMTP TLS requirement.
  14. [ smtp_require_tls: <bool> | default = true ]
  15. # The API URL to use for Slack notifications.
  16. [ slack_api_url: <string> ]
  17. [ pagerduty_url: <string> | default = "" ]
  18. [ opsgenie_api_host: <string> | default = "" ]
  19. [ hipchat_url: <string> | default = "" ]
  20. [ hipchat_auth_token: <string> ]
  21. # Files from which custom notification template definitions are read.
  22. # The last component may use a wildcard matcher, e.g. 'templates/*.tmpl'.
  23. templates:
  24. [ - <filepath> ... ]
  25. # The root node of the routing tree.
  26. route: <route>
  27. # A list of notification receivers.
  28. receivers:
  29. - <receiver> ...
  30. # A list of inhibition rules.
  31. inhibit_rules:
  32. [ - <inhibit_rule> ... ]


每个警报在已配置路由树的顶部节点,这个节点必须匹配所有警报。然后遍历所有的子节点。如果continue设置成false, 当匹配到第一个孩子时,它会停止下来;如果continue设置成true, 则警报将继续匹配后续的兄弟姐妹节点。如果一个警报不匹配一个节点的任何孩子,这个警报将会基于当前节点的配置参数来处理警报。

  1. [ receiver: <string> ]
  2. [ group_by: '[' <labelname>, ... ']' ]
  3. # Whether an alert should continue matching subsequent sibling nodes.
  4. [ continue: <boolean> | default = false ]
  5. # A set of equality matchers an alert has to fulfill to match the node.
  6. match:
  7. [ <labelname>: <labelvalue>, ... ]
  8. # A set of regex-matchers an alert has to fulfill to match the node.
  9. match_re:
  10. [ <labelname>: <regex>, ... ]
  11. # How long to initially wait to send a notification for a group
  12. # of alerts. Allows to wait for an inhibiting alert to arrive or collect
  13. # more initial alerts for the same group. (Usually ~0s to few minutes.)
  14. [ group_wait: <duration> ]
  15. # How long to wait before sending notification about new alerts that are
  16. # in are added to a group of alerts for which an initial notification
  17. # has already been sent. (Usually ~5min or more.)
  18. [ group_interval: <duration> ]
  19. # How long to wait before sending a notification again if it has already
  20. # been sent successfully for an alert. (Usually ~3h or more).
  21. [ repeat_interval: <duration> ]
  22. # Zero or more child routes.
  23. routes:
  24. [ - <route> ... ]


  1. # The root route with all parameters, which are inherited by the child
  2. # routes if they are not overwritten.
  3. route:
  4. receiver: 'default-receiver'
  5. group_wait: 30s
  6. group_interval: 5m
  7. repeat_interval: 4h
  8. group_by: [cluster, alertname]
  9. # All alerts that do not match the following child routes
  10. # will remain at the root node and be dispatched to 'default-receiver'.
  11. routes:
  12. # All alerts with service=mysql or service=cassandra
  13. # are dispatched to the database pager.
  14. - receiver: 'database-pager'
  15. group_wait: 10s
  16. match_re:
  17. service: mysql|cassandra
  18. # All alerts with the team=frontend label match this sub-route.
  19. # They are grouped by product and environment rather than cluster
  20. # and alertname.
  21. - receiver: 'frontend-pager'
  22. group_by: [product, environment]
  23. match:
  24. team: frontend


  1. # Matchers that have to be fulfilled in the alerts to be muted.
  2. target_match:
  3. [ <labelname>: <labelvalue>, ... ]
  4. target_match_re:
  5. [ <labelname>: <regex>, ... ]
  6. # Matchers for which one or more alerts have to exist for the
  7. # inhibition to take effect.
  8. source_match:
  9. [ <labelname>: <labelvalue>, ... ]
  10. source_match_re:
  11. [ <labelname>: <regex>, ... ]
  12. # Labels that must have an equal value in the source and target
  13. # alert for the inhibition to take effect.
  14. [ equal: '[' <labelname>, ... ']' ]



  1. # The unique name of the receiver.
  2. name: <string>
  3. # Configurations for several notification integrations.
  4. email_configs:
  5. [ - <email_config>, ... ]
  6. hipchat_configs:
  7. [ - <hipchat_config>, ... ]
  8. pagerduty_configs:
  9. [ - <pagerduty_config>, ... ]
  10. pushover_configs:
  11. [ - <pushover_config>, ... ]
  12. slack_configs:
  13. [ - <slack_config>, ... ]
  14. opsgenie_configs:
  15. [ - <opsgenie_config>, ... ]
  16. webhook_configs:
  17. [ - <webhook_config>, ... ]

  1. # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
  2. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = false ]
  3. # The email address to send notifications to.
  4. to: <tmpl_string>
  5. # The sender address.
  6. [ from: <tmpl_string> | default = global.smtp_from ]
  7. # The SMTP host through which emails are sent.
  8. [ smarthost: <string> | default = global.smtp_smarthost ]
  9. # SMTP authentication information.
  10. [ auth_username: <string> ]
  11. [ auth_password: <string> ]
  12. [ auth_secret: <string> ]
  13. [ auth_identity: <string> ]
  14. [ require_tls: <bool> | default = global.smtp_require_tls ]
  15. # The HTML body of the email notification.
  16. [ html: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "email.default.html" . }}' ]
  17. # Further headers email header key/value pairs. Overrides any headers
  18. # previously set by the notification implementation.
  19. [ headers: { <string>: <tmpl_string>, ... } ]

  1. # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
  2. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = false ]
  3. # The HipChat Room ID.
  4. room_id: <tmpl_string>
  5. # The auth token.
  6. [ auth_token: <string> | default = global.hipchat_auth_token ]
  7. # The URL to send API requests to.
  8. [ url: <string> | default = global.hipchat_url ]
  9. # See
  10. # A label to be shown in addition to the sender's name.
  11. [ from: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "hipchat.default.from" . }}' ]
  12. # The message body.
  13. [ message: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "hipchat.default.message" . }}' ]
  14. # Whether this message should trigger a user notification.
  15. [ notify: <boolean> | default = false ]
  16. # Determines how the message is treated by the alertmanager and rendered inside HipChat. Valid values are 'text' and 'html'.
  17. [ message_format: <string> | default = 'text' ]
  18. # Background color for message.
  19. [ color: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}red{{ else }}green{{ end }}' ]

通过PagerDuty ApI发送通知:

  1. # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
  2. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = true ]
  3. # The PagerDuty service key.
  4. service_key: <tmpl_string>
  5. # The URL to send API requests to
  6. [ url: <string> | default = global.pagerduty_url ]
  7. # The client identification of the Alertmanager.
  8. [ client: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "pagerduty.default.client" . }}' ]
  9. # A backlink to the sender of the notification.
  10. [ client_url: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "pagerduty.default.clientURL" . }}' ]
  11. # A description of the incident.
  12. [ description: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "pagerduty.default.description" .}}' ]
  13. # A set of arbitrary key/value pairs that provide further detail
  14. # about the incident.
  15. [ details: { <string>: <tmpl_string>, ... } | default = {
  16. firing: '{{ template "pagerduty.default.instances" .Alerts.Firing }}'
  17. resolved: '{{ template "pagerduty.default.instances" .Alerts.Resolved }}'
  18. num_firing: '{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }}'
  19. num_resolved: '{{ .Alerts.Resolved | len }}'
  20. } ]

通过PUSHover API发送通知:

  1. # The recipient user’s user key.
  2. user_key: <string>
  3. # Your registered application’s API token, see
  4. token: <string>
  5. # Notification title.
  6. [ title: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "pushover.default.title" . }}' ]
  7. # Notification message.
  8. [ message: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "pushover.default.message" . }}' ]
  9. # A supplementary URL shown alongside the message.
  10. [ url: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "pushover.default.url" . }}' ]
  11. # Priority, see
  12. [ priority: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}2{{ else }}0{{ end }}' ]
  13. # How often the Pushover servers will send the same notification to the user.
  14. # Must be at least 30 seconds.
  15. [ retry: <duration> | default = 1m ]
  16. # How long your notification will continue to be retried for, unless the user
  17. # acknowledges the notification.
  18. [ expire: <duration> | default = 1h ]

通过Slack webhooks发送通知:

  1. # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
  2. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = false ]
  3. # The Slack webhook URL.
  4. [ api_url: <string> | default = global.slack_api_url ]
  5. # The channel or user to send notifications to.
  6. channel: <tmpl_string>
  7. # API request data as defined by the Slack webhook API.
  8. [ color: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}danger{{ else }}good{{ end }}' ]
  9. [ username: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "slack.default.username" . }}'
  10. [ title: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "slack.default.title" . }}' ]
  11. [ title_link: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "slack.default.titlelink" . }}' ]
  12. [ icon_emoji: <tmpl_string> ]
  13. [ icon_url: <tmpl_string> ]
  14. [ pretext: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "slack.default.pretext" . }}' ]
  15. [ text: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "slack.default.text" . }}' ]
  16. [ fallback: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "slack.default.fallback" . }}' ]

通过OpsGenie API发送通知:

  1. # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
  2. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = true ]
  3. # The API key to use when talking to the OpsGenie API.
  4. api_key: <string>
  5. # The host to send OpsGenie API requests to.
  6. [ api_host: <string> | default = global.opsgenie_api_host ]
  7. # A description of the incident.
  8. [ description: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "opsgenie.default.description" . }}' ]
  9. # A backlink to the sender of the notification.
  10. [ source: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "opsgenie.default.source" . }}' ]
  11. # A set of arbitrary key/value pairs that provide further detail
  12. # about the incident.
  13. [ details: { <string>: <tmpl_string>, ... } ]
  14. # Comma separated list of team responsible for notifications.
  15. [ teams: <tmpl_string> ]
  16. # Comma separated list of tags attached to the notifications.
  17. [ tags: <tmpl_string> ]


  1. # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
  2. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = true ]
  3. # The endpoint to send HTTP POST requests to.
  4. url: <string>

Alertmanager通过HTTP POST请求发送json格式的数据到配置端点:

  1. {
  2. "version": "3",
  3. "groupKey": <number> // key identifying the group of alerts (e.g. to deduplicate)
  4. "status": "<resolved|firing>",
  5. "receiver": <string>,
  6. "groupLabels": <object>,
  7. "commonLabels": <object>,
  8. "commonAnnotations": <object>,
  9. "externalURL": <string>, // backling to the Alertmanager.
  10. "alerts": [
  11. {
  12. "labels": <object>,
  13. "annotations": <object>,
  14. "startsAt": "<rfc3339>",
  15. "endsAt": "<rfc3339>"
  16. },
  17. ...
  18. ]
  19. }