


  1. # Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts.
  2. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = false ]
  3. # The API key to use when talking to the WeChat API.
  4. [ api_secret: <secret> | default = global.wechat_api_secret ]
  5. # The WeChat API URL.
  6. [ api_url: <string> | default = global.wechat_api_url ]
  7. # The corp id for authentication.
  8. [ corp_id: <string> | default = global.wechat_api_corp_id ]
  9. # API request data as defined by the WeChat API.
  10. [ message: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "wechat.default.message" . }}' ]
  11. [ agent_id: <string> | default = '{{ template "wechat.default.agent_id" . }}' ]
  12. [ to_user: <string> | default = '{{ template "wechat.default.to_user" . }}' ]
  13. [ to_party: <string> | default = '{{ template "wechat.default.to_party" . }}' ]
  14. [ to_tag: <string> | default = '{{ template "wechat.default.to_tag" . }}' ]


  1. global:
  2. resolve_timeout: 10m
  3. wechat_api_url: 'https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/'
  4. wechat_api_secret: '应用的secret,在应用的配置页面可以看到'
  5. wechat_api_corp_id: '企业id,在企业的配置页面可以看到'
  6. templates:
  7. - '/etc/alertmanager/config/*.tmpl'
  8. route:
  9. group_by: ['alertname']
  10. group_wait: 30s
  11. group_interval: 5m
  12. repeat_interval: 12h
  13. routes:
  14. - receiver: 'wechat'
  15. continue: true
  16. inhibit_rules:
  17. - source_match:
  18. receivers:
  19. - name: 'wechat'
  20. wechat_configs:
  21. - send_resolved: false
  22. corp_id: '企业id,在企业的配置页面可以看到'
  23. to_user: '@all'
  24. to_party: ' PartyID1 | PartyID2 '
  25. message: '{{ template "wechat.default.message" . }}'
  26. agent_id: '应用的AgentId,在应用的配置页面可以看到'
  27. api_secret: '应用的secret,在应用的配置页面可以看到'


  1. {{ define "wechat.default.message" }}
  2. {{- if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 -}}
  3. {{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts -}}
  4. {{- if eq $index 0 -}}
  5. 告警类型: {{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}
  6. 告警级别: {{ $alert.Labels.severity }}
  7. =====================
  8. {{- end }}
  9. ===告警详情===
  10. 告警详情: {{ $alert.Annotations.message }}
  11. 故障时间: {{ $alert.StartsAt.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  12. ===参考信息===
  13. {{ if gt (len $alert.Labels.instance) 0 -}}故障实例ip: {{ $alert.Labels.instance }};{{- end -}}
  14. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.namespace) 0 -}}故障实例所在namespace: {{ $alert.Labels.namespace }};{{- end -}}
  15. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.node) 0 -}}故障物理机ip: {{ $alert.Labels.node }};{{- end -}}
  16. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.pod_name) 0 -}}故障pod名称: {{ $alert.Labels.pod_name }}{{- end }}
  17. =====================
  18. {{- end }}
  19. {{- end }}
  20. {{- if gt (len .Alerts.Resolved) 0 -}}
  21. {{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts -}}
  22. {{- if eq $index 0 -}}
  23. 告警类型: {{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}
  24. 告警级别: {{ $alert.Labels.severity }}
  25. =====================
  26. {{- end }}
  27. ===告警详情===
  28. 告警详情: {{ $alert.Annotations.message }}
  29. 故障时间: {{ $alert.StartsAt.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  30. 恢复时间: {{ $alert.EndsAt.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  31. ===参考信息===
  32. {{ if gt (len $alert.Labels.instance) 0 -}}故障实例ip: {{ $alert.Labels.instance }};{{- end -}}
  33. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.namespace) 0 -}}故障实例所在namespace: {{ $alert.Labels.namespace }};{{- end -}}
  34. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.node) 0 -}}故障物理机ip: {{ $alert.Labels.node }};{{- end -}}
  35. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.pod_name) 0 -}}故障pod名称: {{ $alert.Labels.pod_name }};{{- end }}
  36. =====================
  37. {{- end }}
  38. {{- end }}
  39. {{- end }}

