Presto Client REST API

The Presto client allows users to submit Presto queries and view results. This note documents the REST API used by the Presto client.

HTTP Methods

  • A POST to /v1/statement runs the query string in the POST body, and returns a JSON document containing the query results. If there are more results, the JSON document will contain a nextUri URL attribute.

  • A GET to the nextUri attribute returns the next batch of query results.

  • A DELETE to nextUri terminates a running query.

Overview of Query Processing

A Presto client request is initiated by an HTTP POST to the endpoint /v1/statement, with a POST body consisting of the SQL query string. The caller may set header X-Presto-User to the username for the session, as well as a long list of other headers, documented below.

If the client request returns an HTTP 503, that means the server was busy, and the client should try again in 50-100 milliseconds. Any HTTP status other than 503 or 200 means that the query has failed.

The /v1/statement POST request returns a JSON document of type QueryResults, as well as a collection of response headers. The QueryResults document will contain an error field of type QueryError if the query has failed, and if that object is not present, the query succeeded. Important members of QueryResults are documented below.

If the data field of the JSON document is set, it contains a list of the rows of data, and the columns field will also be set to a list of the names and types of the columns returned by the query. Most of the response headers should be treated like browser cookies by the client, and echoed back as request headers in subsequent client requests, as documented below.

If the JSON document returned by the POST to /v1/statement does not contain a nextUri link, the query has completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully, and no additional requests need to be made. If the nextUri link is present in the document, there are more query results to be fetched. The client should loop executing a GET request to the nextUri returned in the QueryResults response object until nextUri is absent from the response.

The status field of the JSON document is for human consumption only, and provides a hint about the query’s state on the server. It is not synchronized with the server’s query state and should not be used to tell if the query is finished.

Important QueryResults Attributes

The most important attributes of the QueryResults JSON document returned by the REST API endpoints are listed in this table. Refer to the class QueryResults for more details.




The ID of the query.


If present, the URL that should be used in subsequent GET or DELETE requests. If not present, the query is complete or ended in error.


A list of the names and types of the columns returned by the query.


The data attribute contains a list of the rows returned by the query request. Each row is itself a list that holds values of the columns in the row, in the order specified by the columns attribute.


A human-readable string representing the operation. For a CREATE TABLE request, the updateType will be, “CREATE TABLE”; for SET SESSION it will be “SET SESSION”; etc.


If query failed, the error attribute will contain JSON for a QueryError object. That object contains a message, an errorCode and other information about the error. See the QueryError class for more details.

Client Request Headers

This table lists all supported client request headers. Many of the headers can are updated in the client by response headers, and supplied in subsequent requests, just like browser cookies.

Request Header Name



Specifies the session user; must be supplied with every request to /v1/statement.


For reporting purposes, this supplies the name of the software that submitted the query.


The catalog to be used when running the query. Set by response header X-Presto-Set-Catalog.


The schema to be used when running the query. Set by response header X-Presto-Set-Schema.


The timezone to be used when running the query, which by default is the timezone of the Presto engine.


The language to be used when running the query and formatting results. The language of the session can be set on a per-query basis using the X-Presto-Language HTTP header, or via the PrestoConnection.setLocale(Locale) method in the JDBC driver.


Supplies a trace token to the Presto engine to help identify log lines that originate with this query request.


Supplies a comma-separated list of name=value pairs as session properties. When the Presto client run a SET SESSION name=value query, the name=value pair is returned in the X-Set-Presto-Session response header, and added to the client’s list of session properties. If the response header X-Presto-Clear-Session is returned, its value is the name of a session property that will be removed from the client’s accumulated list.


Sets the catalog role that will be used in this request. Set by response header X-Presto-Set-Role.


A comma-separated list of the name=value pairs, where the names are names of previously prepared SQL statements, and the values are keys that identify the executable form of the named prepared statements.


The transaction ID to be used when running the query. Set by response header X-Presto-Started-Transaction-Id and cleared by X-Presto-Clear-Transaction-Id.


Contains arbitrary information about the client program submitting the query.


A comma-separated list of “tag” strings, used to identify Presto resource groups.


A comma-separated list of resource=value type assignments. The possible choices of resource are “EXECUTION_TIME”, “CPU_TIME”, “PEAK_MEMORY” and “PEAK_TASK_MEMORY”. “EXECUTION_TIME” and “CPU_TIME” have values specified as airlift Duration strings, whose format is a double precision number followed by a TimeUnit string, e.g., of s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, etc. “PEAK_MEMORY” and “PEAK_TASK_MEMORY” are specified as as airlift DataSize strings, whose format is an integer followed by B for bytes; kB for kilobytes; mB for megabytes, gB for gigabytes, etc.


Provides extra credentials to the connector. The header is a name=value string that is saved in the session Identity object. The name and value are only meaningful to the connector.

Client Response Headers

This table lists the supported client response headers. After receiving a response, a client must update the request headers that will be used in subsequent requests to be consistent with the response headers received.

Response Header Name



Instructs the client to set the catalog that will be sent in the X-Presto-Catalog request header in subsequent client requests.


Instructs the client to set the schema that will be sent in the X-Presto-Schema request header in subsequent client requests.


The value of the X-Presto-Set-Session response header is a name=value string, representing session attributes that are meaningful to the Presto engine or a connector. Instructs the client to add that name=value string to the X-Presto-Session request header to be used in subsequent client requests.


Instructs the client to remove the session property with the whose name is the value of the X-Presto-Clear-Session header from the comma-separated list of session properties that will be sent in the X-Presto-Session header in subsequent client requests.


Instructs the client to set X-Presto-Role request header to the catalog role give by the value of the X-Presto-Set-Role headerin subsequent client requests.


Instructs the client to add the name=value pair to the set of prepared statements that will be sent in the X-Presto-Prepared-Statements request header in subsequent client requests.


Instructs the client to remove the prepared statement whose name is the value of the X-Presto-Deallocated-Prepare header from the client’s list of prepared statements sent in the X-Presto-Prepared-Statements request header in subsequent client requests.


Provides the transaction ID that the client should pass back in the X-Presto-Transaction-Id request header in subsequent requests.


Instructs the client to clear the X-Presto-Transaction-Id request header used in subsequent requests.


When a query is executed by the client, a QueryResults object is returned. QueryResults contains a long list of data members. These data members may be useful in tracking down problems:

Data Member





Non-null only if the query resulted in an error. QueryResults.failureInfo of type FailureInfo has detail on the reason for the failure, including a stack trace, and FailureInfo.errorLocation, providing the query line number and column number where the failure was detected.



A usually-empty list of warnings.



A class containing statistics about the query execution. Of particular interest is StatementStats.rootStage, of type StageStats, providing statistics on the execution of each of the stages of query processing.


Class PrestoHeaders enumerates all the HTTP request and response headers allowed by the Presto client REST API.