


在单个PostgreSQL数据库集群中的几种不同角色: primary, replica, offline, standby

  • primary:定义一个单实例的PostgreSQL集群主库,添加业务用户与数据库
  • replica:添加标准PostgreSQL物理复制从库,调整流量,并为集群添加2层VIP
  • offline:用于单独承载OLAP分析,ETL,交互式个人查询的专用离线实例,与服务接入
  • standby:定义同步复制的从库,配置法定人数提交的高一致性从库,添加额外的特殊服务


  1. #----------------------------------#
  2. # pgsql cluster: pg-test (3 nodes) #
  3. #----------------------------------#
  4. # pg-test ---> --->{1,2,3}
  5. pg-test: # define the new 3-node cluster pg-test
  6. hosts:
  7. { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } # primary instance, leader of cluster
  8. { pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica } # replica instance, follower of leader
  9. { pg_seq: 3, pg_role: replica, pg_offline_query: true } # replica with offline access
  10. vars:
  11. pg_cluster: pg-test # define pgsql cluster name
  12. pg_version: 14 # test postgresql 13 with pg-test cluster
  13. pg_users:
  14. - name: test
  15. password: test
  16. pgbouncer: true
  17. roles: [ dbrole_admin ]
  18. pg_databases: # create a database and user named 'test'
  19. - name: test
  20. vip_mode: l2 # enable/disable vip (require members in same LAN)
  21. vip_address: # virtual ip address for this cluster
  22. vip_cidrmask: 8 # cidr network mask length
  23. vip_interface: eth1 # interface to add virtual ip
  24. pg_services_extra: # extra services in addition to pg_services_default, array of service definition
  25. # standby service will route {ip|name}:5435 to sync replica's pgbouncer (5435->6432 standby)
  26. - name: standby # required, service name, the actual svc name will be prefixed with `pg_cluster`, e.g: pg-meta-standby
  27. src_ip: "*" # required, service bind ip address, `*` for all ip, `vip` for cluster `vip_address`
  28. src_port: 5435 # required, service exposed port (work as kubernetes service node port mode)
  29. dst_port: pgbouncer # optional, destination port, postgres|pgbouncer|<port_number> , pgbouncer(6432) by default
  30. check_method: http # optional, health check method: http is the only available method for now
  31. check_port: patroni # optional, health check port: patroni|pg_exporter|<port_number> , patroni(8008) by default
  32. check_url: /sync # optional, health check url path, /read-only?lag=0 by default
  33. check_code: 200 # optional, health check expected http code, 200 by default
  34. selector: "[]" # required, JMESPath to filter inventory ()
  35. selector_backup: "[? pg_role == `primary`]" # primary used as backup server for standby service (will not work because /sync for )
  36. haproxy: # optional, adhoc parameters for haproxy service provider (vip_l4 is another service provider)
  37. maxconn: 3000 # optional, max allowed front-end connection
  38. balance: roundrobin # optional, haproxy load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default, other: leastconn)
  39. default_server_options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'



  • 备份集群:制作现有集群的实时在线克隆,用于异地灾备。
  • 延迟集群:用于应对误删表删库等软件/人为故障,快速恢复数据。
  • Citus集群部署:部署Citus分布式数据库集群,1协调者与3数据节点
  • MatrixDB集群部署:部署Greenplum7/PostgreSQL12兼容的时序数据仓库。

PGSQL Primary 主库部署


PGSQL Replica 从库部署

本文介绍如何为PostgreSQL集群添加只读从库副本,配置L2 VIP接入,以及流量分发。

PGSQL Offline 离线从库部署

离线从库 —— 一种不承载线上业务流量,用于ETL,只读分析查询的专用实例。

PGSQL Standby 同步从库部署

同步从库 —— 与主库保持同步提交,零复制延迟的热备从库,启用额外的服务,以及法定人数同步提交。

PGSQL Standby Cluster 同步集群

同步集群 —— 整个集群作为另一个集群的物理备份集群,可用于灾备Switchover

PGSQL Delayed Cluster 延时集群

本文介绍PostgreSQL延时从库集群 —— 专门用于应对删库删表问题的特殊从库




Pigsty可用于部署与监控MatrixDB(等于Greenplum 7+时序数据库)



最后修改 2022-06-05: add pgsql/deploy document (34a3325)