Versatile Apps
Launch production-grade software, perform data analysis & visualization demo in low-code style
Software & tools
Pigsty installs Docker by default on the meta node, and you can pull up all kinds of SaaS applications with one click: Gitlab, an open-source private code hosting platform; Discourse, an open-source forum; Mastodon, an open-source social network; Odoo, an open-source ERP software; and UFIDA, Kingdee, and other software.
You can use Docker to pull up stateless parts, modify their database connection strings to use external databases, and get a silky smooth cloud-native management experience with production-grade data persistence. For more details, please refer to Tutorial: Docker Application.
There are some pre-packed docker images, checkTutorial: Docker Application for more information.
- Gitea : Light-Weight code hosting platform like gitlab
- PgAdmin4: GUI tools for postgre administration
- PGWeb:
- PostgREST: Generate backend API automatically according to postgres schema
- ByteBase: GUI tools for database schema migration
- Jupyter Lab: Battery-Included Python Data analysis environment
In addition to these software, You can run some handy tools with docker, too
- SchemaSPY: Generate schema report for postgres
- Pgbadger: Generate log analysis report for postgres csv log
You can also launch some heavy softwares with pigsty postgres:
- Gitlab
- Habour
- Jira
- Confluence
- Odoo
- Mastodon
- Discourse
Data Analysis & Visualization
Pigsty is both a battery-include PostgreSQL distribution and can be used as a data analysis environment, or to make low-code visualization applications. You can go directly from SQL data processing to Echarts plotting in one step, or you can use more elaborate workflows: for example, using PG as the main database, storing data and implementing business logic with SQL; using the built-in PostgREST to automate the back-end API, using the built-in JupyterLab to perform complex data analysis in Python, and using Echarts for data visualization, and Grafana for interaction capabilities.
Pigsty comes with several sample applications for reference.
- Analysis of PG CSV log samples pglog
- Visualization of new crown outbreak data covid
- The global surface weather station data query isd
- Database prevalence ranking trend dbeng
- Query the work commuting schedule of a large factory’s worktime
Last modified 2022-06-04: fill en docs (5a858d3)