
Launch gitea with pigsty pg as meta database

Live demo:

Gitea - 图1


  1. cd ~/pigsty/app/gitea; make up

Gitea use 8889 as default port:


  1. make up # pull up gitea with docker-compose in minimal mode
  2. make run # launch gitea with docker , local data dir and external PostgreSQL
  3. make view # print gitea access point
  4. make log # tail -f gitea logs
  5. make info # introspect gitea with jq
  6. make stop # stop gitea container
  7. make clean # remove gitea container
  8. make pull # pull latest gitea image
  9. make rmi # remove gitea image
  10. make save # save gitea image to /tmp/gitea.tgz
  11. make load # load gitea image from /tmp

Use External PostgreSQL

  1. # postgres://dbuser_gitea:DBUser.gitea@
  2. db: { name: gitea, owner: dbuser_gitea, comment: gitea primary database }
  3. user: { name: dbuser_gitea , password: DBUser.gitea, roles: [ dbrole_admin ] }

Last modified 2022-06-03: add scaffold for en docs (6a6eded)