
Brief introduction to Pigsty Architecture


A complete Pigsty system can be called a Deployment or Environment.

For example, production environment, test environment, pre-distribution environment, etc.

A Pigsty deployment consists of two parts: an infra set & multiple clusters, both described by an Inventory.

The cluster contains nodes, instances, and services three core resources: a cluster contains multiple instances deployed on multiple nodes, providing various services. Each database instance will have a more subdivided ER model.

Architecture - 图1


Infrastructure is installed on meta node: monitoring, dns, ntp, dcs, yum repo, etc…

Architecture - 图2


Cluster could be node cluster or database clusters (pgsql, redis). Which were deployed on nodes.

Different type of clusters have their own ER modle, such as PGSQL and REDIS, …

For example, a pgsql cluster have 3 types of core resources: Node, Instance, Service. A pgsql cluster is consist of multiple instances and deployed on multiple nodes and providing different types of services. And there are more detailed ER models underneath.

Architecture - 图3


Infra, Nodes, Pgsql, Redis, are organized in Module, and installed via playbook.

There are 4 core modules : INFRA, NODES, PGSQL, REDIS

You can compose them freely:

如果您想将Pigsty当作开箱即用的单机PostgreSQL发行版来使用,那么在一台机器上依次安装 INFRA, NODES, PGSQL 三个模块,就会有一个立即可用的,自我监控管理的数据库实例。 如果您想要一个生产环境的大规模主机监控系统,那么在一台机器上安装 INFRA 模块,在所有被监控的机器节点上安装NODES模块即可 如果您想部署管理大量的PostgreSQL集群,在这些纳入Pigsty管理的节点上再加装 PGSQL 模块即可。

Last modified 2022-06-04: fill en docs (5a858d3)