Pigsty Introduction

Where do we get started?


Beginners can visit the Pigsty demo site: http://demo.pigsty.cc for a quick glance.

There are several data applications that are built upon Pigsty to illustrate this distribution: pglog, covid, isd, dbeng, worktime.

You can also deploy SaaS software with docker and get production-grade durability with an external pigsty database.


Developers are more concerned about the fastest way to download, install and access the database, please refer to Installation.

Pigsty aims at simplicity: you can launch pigsty on fresh CentOS 7.8 nodes with one command without Internet Access.

Pigsty provides Vagrant & Terraform templates for pulling up 4 VMs with one click to deploy a sandbox on a local x86 laptop/PC or cloud. Users can also prepare VMs, cloud VMs, or physical machines for the standard deployment process.

The user can access database service through connstr, and perform essential operation tasks with SOP.

For a deeper understanding of Pigsty’s design and architecture, you can refer to the concept chapter.


Operators are more concerned with the details of the deployment. The following tutorials provide the details of Pigsty’s installation and deployment.

The tutorial Grafana Backend Database Upgrade shows a complete and representative example of preparing a Postgres cluster exclusively for Grafana.


DBAs are usually more concerned with the usage of monitoring systems and the specific ways in which they are maintained daily.

DBAs are more concerned with the usage of monitoring systems and the way of daily maintenance.

Monitoring System Tutorial

Daily maintenance management


For professional users (deep customization, secondary development), Pigsty provides a rich config entry with a customization interface.

Last modified 2022-06-06: fix offline links (cd122f7)