Design customization


Default value:true

When set to true, hovering over an item in the navigation panel causes that item to be marked (the background is highlighted).


Default value:true

When set to true, hovering over a row in the Browse page causes that row to be marked (the background is highlighted).


Default value:true

When set to true, a data row is marked (the background is highlighted) when the row is selected with the checkbox.


Default value:50

Maximum number of characters shown in any non-numeric field on browse view. Can be turned off by a toggle button on the browse page.


Default value:‘left’

Defines the place where table row links (Edit, Copy, Delete) would be put when tables contents are displayed (you may have them displayed at the left side, right side, both sides or nowhere).


Default value:false

Defines whether to show row links (Edit, Copy, Delete) and checkboxes for multiple row operations even when the selection does not have a unique key. Using row actions in the absence of a unique key may result in different/more rows being affected since there is no guaranteed way to select the exact row(s).


Default value:true

If enabled, remember the sorting of each table when browsing them.


Default value:‘NONE’

This defines the default sort order for the tables, having a primary key, when there is no sort order defines externally. Acceptable values : [‘NONE’, ‘ASC’, ‘DESC’]


Default value:true


Default value:true

By setting the corresponding variable to true you can enable the display of column comments in Browse or Property display. In browse mode, the comments are shown inside the header. In property mode, comments are displayed using a CSS-formatted dashed-line below the name of the column. The comment is shown as a tool-tip for that column.


Default value:0

This will define the first day of week in the calendar. The number can be set from 0 to 6, which represents the seven days of the week, Sunday to Saturday respectively. This value can also be configured by the user in server settings -> features -> general -> First Day calendar field.