5.3 静态编译
现在,先让我们执行一下PHP源码根目录下的./configure —help命令。会发现输出信息并没有包含我们的扩展,这是因为这个configure脚本生成的时候,我们的扩展还没有编写呢。(这个configure是PHP官方分发的。),所以首先我们需要使用buildconf命令生成新的configure脚本。$ ./buildconf —force
Building Statically Under Windows
Regenerating the configure.js script for Windows follows the same pattern as regenerating the ./configure script for *nix. Navigate to the root of the PHP source tree and reissue buildconf.bat as you did in Chapter 4.The PHP build system will scan for config.w32 files, including the one you just made for ext/sample, and generate a new configure.js script with which to build a static php binary.