9.24. 集合回傳函式

本節介紹可以回傳多個資料列的函數。此類中使用最廣泛的函數是序列生成函數,如 Table 9.61Table 9.62 所述。其他更專門的集合回傳函數在本手冊的其他地方介紹。有關組合多個集合回傳函數的方法,請參見第 節

Table 9.61. Series Generating Functions

Function Argument Type Return Type Description
generate_series(start, stop) int, bigint or numeric setof int, setof bigint, or setof numeric (same as argument type) 從 start 到 stop 產生成一系列的值,間隔為 1
generate_series(start, stop, step) int, bigint or numeric setof int, setof bigint or setof numeric (same as argument type) 產生一系列的值,從 start 到 end,間隔為 step
generate_series(start, stop, step interval) timestamp or timestamp with time zone setof timestamp or setof timestamp with time zone (same as argument type) 產生一系列的值,從 start 到 end,間隔為 step

當 step 為正時,如果 start 大於 stop 則回傳零筆資料。相反地,當 step 為負時,如果 start 小於 stop 也回傳零筆資料。NULL 的輸入也回傳零筆資料。 step 為零是錯誤的。以下是一些範例:

  1. SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4);
  2. generate_series
  3. -----------------
  4. 2
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. (3 rows)
  8. SELECT * FROM generate_series(5,1,-2);
  9. generate_series
  10. -----------------
  11. 5
  12. 3
  13. 1
  14. (3 rows)
  15. SELECT * FROM generate_series(4,3);
  16. generate_series
  17. -----------------
  18. (0 rows)
  19. SELECT generate_series(1.1, 4, 1.3);
  20. generate_series
  21. -----------------
  22. 1.1
  23. 2.4
  24. 3.7
  25. (3 rows)
  26. -- this example relies on the date-plus-integer operator
  27. SELECT current_date + s.a AS dates FROM generate_series(0,14,7) AS s(a);
  28. dates
  29. ------------
  30. 2004-02-05
  31. 2004-02-12
  32. 2004-02-19
  33. (3 rows)
  34. SELECT * FROM generate_series('2008-03-01 00:00'::timestamp,
  35. '2008-03-04 12:00', '10 hours');
  36. generate_series
  37. ---------------------
  38. 2008-03-01 00:00:00
  39. 2008-03-01 10:00:00
  40. 2008-03-01 20:00:00
  41. 2008-03-02 06:00:00
  42. 2008-03-02 16:00:00
  43. 2008-03-03 02:00:00
  44. 2008-03-03 12:00:00
  45. 2008-03-03 22:00:00
  46. 2008-03-04 08:00:00
  47. (9 rows)

Table 9.62. Subscript Generating Functions

Function Return Type Description
generate_subscripts(array anyarray, dim int) setof int 產生成一個包含給定陣列索引的系列內容。
generate_subscripts(array anyarray, dim int, reverse boolean) setof int 產生一個包含給定陣列索引的序列內容。當 reverse 為 true 時,將以相反的順序回傳該序列。

generate_subscripts 是一個很方便的函數,用於為給定陣列的指定維度產成一組有效的索引內容。對於沒有所請求維數的陣列或 NULL 陣列,回傳零筆資料(但是對於 NULL 陣列元素,回傳有效的索引)。以下是一些範例:

  1. -- basic usage
  2. SELECT generate_subscripts('{NULL,1,NULL,2}'::int[], 1) AS s;
  3. s
  4. ---
  5. 1
  6. 2
  7. 3
  8. 4
  9. (4 rows)
  10. -- presenting an array, the subscript and the subscripted
  11. -- value requires a subquery
  12. SELECT * FROM arrays;
  13. a
  14. --------------------
  15. {-1,-2}
  16. {100,200,300}
  17. (2 rows)
  18. SELECT a AS array, s AS subscript, a[s] AS value
  19. FROM (SELECT generate_subscripts(a, 1) AS s, a FROM arrays) foo;
  20. array | subscript | value
  21. ---------------+-----------+-------
  22. {-1,-2} | 1 | -1
  23. {-1,-2} | 2 | -2
  24. {100,200,300} | 1 | 100
  25. {100,200,300} | 2 | 200
  26. {100,200,300} | 3 | 300
  27. (5 rows)
  28. -- unnest a 2D array
  29. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unnest2(anyarray)
  30. RETURNS SETOF anyelement AS $$
  31. select $1[i][j]
  32. from generate_subscripts($1,1) g1(i),
  33. generate_subscripts($1,2) g2(j);
  36. SELECT * FROM unnest2(ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]]);
  37. unnest2
  38. ---------
  39. 1
  40. 2
  41. 3
  42. 4
  43. (4 rows)

當 FROM 子句中的函數加上 WITH ORDINALITY 時,一個 bigint 欄位將附加到輸出資料中,該欄位從 1 開始,並針對函數輸出的每一筆資料以 1 遞增。這對集合回傳函數中的 unnest() 特別有用。

  1. -- set returning function WITH ORDINALITY
  2. SELECT * FROM pg_ls_dir('.') WITH ORDINALITY AS t(ls,n);
  3. ls | n
  4. -----------------+----
  5. pg_serial | 1
  6. pg_twophase | 2
  7. postmaster.opts | 3
  8. pg_notify | 4
  9. postgresql.conf | 5
  10. pg_tblspc | 6
  11. logfile | 7
  12. base | 8
  13. postmaster.pid | 9
  14. pg_ident.conf | 10
  15. global | 11
  16. pg_xact | 12
  17. pg_snapshots | 13
  18. pg_multixact | 14
  19. PG_VERSION | 15
  20. pg_wal | 16
  21. pg_hba.conf | 17
  22. pg_stat_tmp | 18
  23. pg_subtrans | 19
  24. (19 rows)