Thread-Safety and Multiple Databases
If you plan to change the database at run-time in a multi-threaded application, storing the model’s database in a thread-local will prevent race-conditions. This can be accomplished with a custom model Metadata
import threading
from peewee import Metadata
class ThreadSafeDatabaseMetadata(Metadata):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# database attribute is stored in a thread-local.
self._local = threading.local()
super(ThreadSafeDatabaseMetadata, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_db(self):
return getattr(self._local, 'database', self._database)
def _set_db(self, db):
self._local.database = self._database = db
database = property(_get_db, _set_db)
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
# Instruct peewee to use our thread-safe metadata implementation.
model_metadata_class = ThreadSafeDatabaseMetadata