Use pdfcpu
for a rundown of all commands:
pdfcpu is a tool for PDF manipulation written in Go.
pdfcpu command [arguments]
The commands are:
attachments list, add, remove, extract embedded file attachments
changeopw change owner password
changeupw change user password
decrypt remove password protection
encrypt set password protection
extract extract images, fonts, content, pages, metadata
grid rearrange pages/images into grid page layout for enhanced browsing experience
import convert/import images to PDF
merge concatenate 2 or more PDFs
nup rearrange pages/images into grid page layout for reduced number of pages
optimize optimize PDF by getting rid of redundant page resources
pages insert, remove pages
paper print list of supported paper sizes
permissions list, add user access permissions
rotate rotate pages
split split multi-page PDF into several PDFs according to split span
stamp add stamps
trim create trimmed version
validate validate PDF against PDF 32000-1:2008 (PDF 1.7)
version print version
watermark add watermarks
Completion supported for all commands.
One letter Unix style abbreviations supported for flags.
Use "pdfcpu help [command]" for more information about a command.
Core Commands
Choose on of the basic processing features:
pdfcpu validate [-verbose] [-mode strict|relaxed] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile
pdfcpu optimize [-verbose] [-stats csvFile] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile [outFile]
pdfcpu merge [-verbose] outFile inFile...
pdfcpu split [-verbose] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile outDir [span]
pdfcpu trim [-verbose] -pages pageSelection [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile outFile
pdfcpu rotate [-v(erbose)|vv] [-pages pageSelection] inFile rotation
pdfcpu stamp [-verbose] -pages pageSelection description inFile [outFile]
pdfcpu watermark [-verbose] -pages pageSelection description inFile [outFile]
pdfcpu nup [-v(erbose)|vv] [-pages pageSelection] [description] outFile n inFile|imageFiles...
pdfcpu grid [-v(erbose)|vv] [-pages pageSelection] [description] outFile m n inFile|imageFiles...
Generate Commands
Convert images (jpg, png, tiff) into PDF:
pdfcpu import [-v(erbose)|vv] [description] outFile imageFile...
Insert and remove pages:
pdfcpu pages insert [-v(erbose)|vv] [-pages pageSelection] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile [outFile]
pdfcpu pages remove [-v(erbose)|vv] -pages pageSelection [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile [outFile]
Extract components and resources:
pdfcpu extract [-verbose] -mode image|font|content|page|meta [-pages pageSelection] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile outDir
Manage your PDF attachments:
pdfcpu attachments list [-verbose] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile
pdfcpu attachments add [-verbose] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile file...
pdfcpu attachments remove [-verbose] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile [file...]
pdfcpu attachments extract [-verbose] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile outDir [file...]
Secure your PDFs:
pdfcpu encrypt [-verbose] [-mode rc4|aes] [-key 40|128|256] [-perm none|all] [-upw userpw] -opw ownerpw inFile [outFile]
pdfcpu decrypt [-verbose] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile [outFile]
pdfcpu changeopw [-verbose] [-upw userpw] inFile opwOld opwNew
pdfcpu changeupw [-verbose] [-opw ownerpw] inFile upwOld upwNew
pdfcpu permissions add [-verbose] [-perm none|all] [-upw userpw] -opw ownerpw inFile
pdfcpu permissions list [-verbose] [-upw userpw] [-opw ownerpw] inFile
Print Supported Papersizes
pdfcpu paper
Print Version
pdfcpu version