cat() | 拼接字符串 | Concatenate strings |
split() | 基于分隔符切分字符串 | Split strings on delimiter |
rsplit() | 基于分隔符,逆向切分字符串 | Split strings on delimiter working from the end of the string |
get() | 索引每一个元素(返回第i个元素) | Index into each element (retrieve i-th element) |
join() | 使用传入的分隔符依次拼接每一个元素 | Join strings in each element of the Series with passed separator |
get_dummies() | 用分隔符切分字符串,并返回一个含有哑变量的数据表 | Split strings on the delimiter returning DataFrame of dummy variables |
contains() | 返回一个布尔矩阵表明是每个元素包含字符串或正则表达式 | Return boolean array if each string contains pattern/regex |
replace() | 将匹配到的子串或正则表达式替换为另外的字符串,或者一个可调用对象的返回值 | Replace occurrences of pattern/regex/string with some other string or the return value of a callable given the occurrence |
repeat() | 值复制(s.str.repeat(3)等价于x 3) | Duplicate values (s.str.repeat(3) equivalent to x 3) |
pad() | 将白空格插入到字符串的左、右或者两端 | Add whitespace to left, right, or both sides of strings |
center() | 等价于 | Equivalent to |
ljust() | 等价于str.ljust | Equivalent to str.ljust |
rjust() | 等价于str.rjust | Equivalent to str.rjust |
zfill() | 等价于str.zfill | Equivalent to str.zfill |
wrap() | 将长字符串转换为 | Split long strings into lines with length less than a given width |
slice() | 将序列中的每一个字符串切片 | Slice each string in the Series |
slice_replace() | 用传入的值替换每一个字串中的切片 | Replace slice in each string with passed value |
count() | 对出现符合的规则进行计数 | Count occurrences of pattern |
startswith() | 等价于str.startswith(pat) | Equivalent to str.startswith(pat) for each element |
endswith() | 等价于 str.endswith(pat) | Equivalent to str.endswith(pat) for each element |
findall() | 返回每一个字串中出现的所有满足样式或正则的匹配 | Compute list of all occurrences of pattern/regex for each string |
match() | 对每一个元素调用 re.match ,并以列表形式返回匹配到的组 | Call re.match on each element, returning matched groups as list |
extract() | 对每一个元素调用 , 并以数据表的形式返回。行对应原有的一个元素,列对应所有捕获的组 | Call on each element, returning DataFrame with one row for each element and one column for each regex capture group |
extractall() | 对每一个元素调用 re.findall , 并以数据表的形式返回。行对应原有的一个元素,列对应所有捕获的组 | Call re.findall on each element, returning DataFrame with one row for each match and one column for each regex capture group |
len() | 计算字符串长度 | Compute string lengths |
strip() | 等价于str.strip | Equivalent to str.strip |
rstrip() | 等价于str.rstrip | Equivalent to str.rstrip |
lstrip() | 等价于str.lstrip | Equivalent to str.lstrip |
partition() | 等价于 str.partition | Equivalent to str.partition |
rpartition() | 等价于 str.rpartition | Equivalent to str.rpartition |
lower() | 等价于 str.lower | Equivalent to str.lower |
upper() | 等价于 str.upper | Equivalent to str.upper |
find() | 等价于 str.find | Equivalent to str.find |
rfind() | 等价于 str.rfind | Equivalent to str.rfind |
index() | 等价于 str.index | Equivalent to str.index |
rindex() | 等价于 str.rindex | Equivalent to str.rindex |
capitalize() | 等价于 str.capitalize | Equivalent to str.capitalize |
swapcase() | 等价于 str.swapcase | Equivalent to str.swapcase |
normalize() | 返回Unicode 标注格式。等价于 unicodedata.normalize | Return Unicode normal form. Equivalent to unicodedata.normalize |
translate() | 等价于 str.translate | Equivalent to str.translate |
isalnum() | 等价于 str.isalnum | Equivalent to str.isalnum |
isalpha() | 等价于 str.isalpha | Equivalent to str.isalpha |
isdigit() | 等价于 str.isdigit | Equivalent to str.isdigit |
isspace() | 等价于 str.isspace | Equivalent to str.isspace |
islower() | 等价于 str.islower | Equivalent to str.islower |
isupper() | 等价于 str.isupper | Equivalent to str.isupper |
istitle() | 等价于 str.istitle | Equivalent to str.istitle |
isnumeric() | 等价于 str.isnumeric | Equivalent to str.isnumeric |
isdecimal() | 等价于 str.isdecimal | Equivalent to str.isdecimal |