弃用面板(Deprecate Panel)
Over the last few years, pandas has increased in both breadth and depth, with new features, datatype support, and manipulation routines. As a result, supporting efficient indexing and functional routines for Series, DataFrame
and Panel has contributed to an increasingly fragmented and difficult-to-understand codebase.
The 3-D structure of a Panel
is much less common for many types of data analysis, than the 1-D of the Series
or the 2-D of the DataFrame
. Going forward it makes sense for pandas to focus on these areas exclusively.
Oftentimes, one can simply use a MultiIndex DataFrame
for easily working with higher dimensional data.
In addition, the xarray
package was built from the ground up, specifically in order to support the multi-dimensional analysis that is one of Panel s main usecases. Here is a link to the xarray panel-transition documentation.
In [147]: p = tm.makePanel()
In [148]: p
<class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'>
Dimensions: 3 (items) x 30 (major_axis) x 4 (minor_axis)
Items axis: ItemA to ItemC
Major_axis axis: 2000-01-03 00:00:00 to 2000-02-11 00:00:00
Minor_axis axis: A to D
Convert to a MultiIndex DataFrame.
In [149]: p.to_frame()
ItemA ItemB ItemC
major minor
2000-01-03 A -0.390201 -1.624062 -0.605044
B 1.562443 0.483103 0.583129
C -1.085663 0.768159 -0.273458
D 0.136235 -0.021763 -0.700648
2000-01-04 A 1.207122 -0.758514 0.878404
B 0.763264 0.061495 -0.876690
C -1.114738 0.225441 -0.335117
D 0.886313 -0.047152 -1.166607
2000-01-05 A 0.178690 -0.560859 -0.921485
B 0.162027 0.240767 -1.919354
C -0.058216 0.543294 -0.476268
D -1.350722 0.088472 -0.367236
2000-01-06 A -1.004168 -0.589005 -0.200312
B -0.902704 0.782413 -0.572707
C -0.486768 0.771931 -1.765602
D -0.886348 -0.857435 1.296674
2000-01-07 A -1.377627 -1.070678 0.522423
B 1.106010 0.628462 -1.736484
C 1.685148 -0.968145 0.578223
D -1.013316 -2.503786 0.641385
2000-01-10 A 0.499281 -1.681101 0.722511
B -0.199234 -0.880627 -1.335113
C 0.112572 -1.176383 0.242697
D 1.920906 -1.058041 -0.779432
2000-01-11 A -1.405256 0.403776 -1.702486
B 0.458265 0.777575 -1.244471
C -1.495309 -3.192716 0.208129
D -0.388231 -0.657981 0.602456
2000-01-12 A 0.162565 0.609862 -0.709535
B 0.491048 -0.779367 0.347339
... ... ... ...
2000-02-02 C -0.303961 -0.463752 -0.288962
D 0.104050 1.116086 0.506445
2000-02-03 A -2.338595 -0.581967 -0.801820
B -0.557697 -0.033731 -0.176382
C 0.625555 -0.055289 0.875359
D 0.174068 -0.443915 1.626369
2000-02-04 A -0.374279 -1.233862 -0.915751
B 0.381353 -1.108761 -1.970108
C -0.059268 -0.360853 -0.614618
D -0.439461 -0.200491 0.429518
2000-02-07 A -2.359958 -3.520876 -0.288156
B 1.337122 -0.314399 -1.044208
C 0.249698 0.728197 0.565375
D -0.741343 1.092633 0.013910
2000-02-08 A -1.157886 0.516870 -1.199945
B -1.531095 -0.860626 -0.821179
C 1.103949 1.326768 0.068184
D -0.079673 -1.675194 -0.458272
2000-02-09 A -0.551865 0.343125 -0.072869
B 1.331458 0.370397 -1.914267
C -1.087532 0.208927 0.788871
D -0.922875 0.437234 -1.531004
2000-02-10 A 1.592673 2.137827 -1.828740
B -0.571329 -1.761442 -0.826439
C 1.998044 0.292058 -0.280343
D 0.303638 0.388254 -0.500569
2000-02-11 A 1.559318 0.452429 -1.716981
B -0.026671 -0.899454 0.124808
C -0.244548 -2.019610 0.931536
D -0.917368 0.479630 0.870690
[120 rows x 3 columns]
Alternatively, one can convert to an xarray DataArray.
In [150]: p.to_xarray()
<xarray.DataArray (items: 3, major_axis: 30, minor_axis: 4)>
array([[[-0.390201, 1.562443, -1.085663, 0.136235],
[ 1.207122, 0.763264, -1.114738, 0.886313],
[ 1.592673, -0.571329, 1.998044, 0.303638],
[ 1.559318, -0.026671, -0.244548, -0.917368]],
[[-1.624062, 0.483103, 0.768159, -0.021763],
[-0.758514, 0.061495, 0.225441, -0.047152],
[ 2.137827, -1.761442, 0.292058, 0.388254],
[ 0.452429, -0.899454, -2.01961 , 0.47963 ]],
[[-0.605044, 0.583129, -0.273458, -0.700648],
[ 0.878404, -0.87669 , -0.335117, -1.166607],
[-1.82874 , -0.826439, -0.280343, -0.500569],
[-1.716981, 0.124808, 0.931536, 0.87069 ]]])
* items (items) object 'ItemA' 'ItemB' 'ItemC'
* major_axis (major_axis) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-03 2000-01-04 2000-01-05 ...
* minor_axis (minor_axis) object 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'
You can see the full-documentation for the xarray package.