C++ Train Demo



你可以通过book库中的 文档源码 进一步了解“波士顿房价预测”这一任务的定义及其建模过程, 其使用线性回归(Linear Regression) 模型做建模。本文主要介绍如何将其迁移至Paddle-Lite进行训练。


  • 一部安卓手机,用于运行训练程序

  • 装了Paddle (version >= 1.7.0) 的python

Quick start

Step1 build paddle-lite

请按照paddle-lite官方文档的教程编译full_publish的paddle-lite lib。以Linux上编译为例,其具体的命令为:

  1. ## 配置环境
  2. wget -c https://mms-res.cdn.bcebos.com/cmake-3.10.3-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
  3. tar xzf cmake-3.10.3-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  4. export PATH=${PWD}'/cmake-3.10.3-Linux-x86_64/bin':$PATH
  5. wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r17c-linux-x86_64.zip
  6. unzip android-ndk-r17c-linux-x86_64.zip
  7. export NDK_ROOT=/opt/android-ndk-r17c
  8. ## 编译
  9. git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite.git
  10. cd Paddle-Lite
  11. ./lite/tools/build.sh \
  12. --arm_os=android \
  13. --arm_abi=armv7 \
  14. --build_extra=ON \
  15. --arm_lang=gcc \
  16. --android_stl=c++_static \
  17. --build_train=ON full_publish


  1. Paddle-Lite/build.lite.android.armv7.gcc/inference_lite_lib.android.armv7/cxx/lib/libpaddle_full_api_shared.so

Step2 编译lr_trainer

  1. cd Paddle-Lite/lite/demo/cxx/train_demo/cplus_train/
  2. sh run_build.sh /path/to/your/Paddle-Lite/build.lite.android.armv7.gcc/ /path/to/your/android-ndk-r17c


  1. bin/
  2. `-- demo_trainer

Step3 download model and run it!


  1. local_path=/data/local/tmp/linear_regression
  2. adb shell "mkdir "${local_path}
  3. # download model and push to mobile
  4. wget http://paddle-tar.bj.bcebos.com/paddle-lite/lite_lr_model.tar.gz
  5. tar -zxvf lite_lr_model.tar.gz
  6. adb push lite_lr_model/housing.data ${local_path}
  7. adb push lite_lr_model/model_dir ${local_path}
  8. # push lib and executable file to moblie
  9. adb push libpaddle_full_api_shared.so ${local_path}
  10. adb push demo_trainer ${local_path}
  11. adb shell chmod +x ${local_path}/demo_trainer
  12. # run it!
  13. adb shell "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${local_path}" && export LIBRARY_PATH="${local_path}" && cd "${local_path}" && ./demo_trainer true"


  1. sample 0: Loss: 564.317
  2. sample 1: Loss: 463.9
  3. sample 2: Loss: 1197.54
  4. sample 3: Loss: 1093.83
  5. sample 4: Loss: 1282.76
  6. sample 5: Loss: 792.097
  7. sample 6: Loss: 491.776
  8. sample 7: Loss: 698.496
  9. sample 8: Loss: 248.445
  10. sample 9: Loss: 325.135



  1. git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite.git
  2. cd Paddle-Lite/lite/demo/cxx/train_demo/
  3. python train.py --save_model


  1. model_dir/
  2. |-- fc_0.b_0
  3. |-- fc_0.w_0
  4. |-- learning_rate_0
  5. `-- __model__
  6. md5sum fc_0.w_0: 2c7b3649b2a9cf7bcd19f8b256ce795d




为了验证paddle与lite的一致性,我们控制模型参数一致、数据一致、batch size = 1的情况下,训练10个batch, 记录了二者的loss值。

python + paddle 命令:

  1. fluid train.py --num_steps=10 --batch_size=1

python + paddle 结果:

  1. Train cost, Step 0, Cost 564.317017
  2. Train cost, Step 1, Cost 463.900238
  3. Train cost, Step 2, Cost 1197.537354
  4. Train cost, Step 3, Cost 1093.833008
  5. Train cost, Step 4, Cost 1282.760254
  6. Train cost, Step 5, Cost 792.097351
  7. Train cost, Step 6, Cost 491.775848
  8. Train cost, Step 7, Cost 698.496033
  9. Train cost, Step 8, Cost 248.444885
  10. Train cost, Step 9, Cost 325.135132

c++ 与 paddle-lite命令:

  1. ./demo_trainer true

c++ 与 paddle-lite结果:

  1. sample 0: Loss: 564.317
  2. sample 1: Loss: 463.9
  3. sample 2: Loss: 1197.54
  4. sample 3: Loss: 1093.83
  5. sample 4: Loss: 1282.76
  6. sample 5: Loss: 792.097
  7. sample 6: Loss: 491.776
  8. sample 7: Loss: 698.496
  9. sample 8: Loss: 248.445
  10. sample 9: Loss: 325.135

Loss 曲线

控制训练时的batch size为20,每个epoch对训练数据做全局shuffle,训练100个epoch后,paddle和lite的loss曲线对比如下。



  1. git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book.git
  2. cd book/01.fit_a_line
  3. python train.py

lite + c++的运行命令为:

  1. ./demo_trainer false