This guide will illustrate how to configure stateful applications with OSM and Statefulsets in Kubernetes. For this demo, we will be installing Apache Kafka and its backing store Apache Zookeeper and set traffic policies allowing them to talk to one another. Finally, we’ll test that we’re able to produce and consume messages to/from a Kafka topic with all communication encrypted via mTLS.


  • Kubernetes cluster running Kubernetes v1.22.9 or greater with a default StorageClass configured.
  • Have kubectl available to interact with the API server.
  • Have OSM version >= v1.2.0 installed.
  • Have osm CLI available for managing the service mesh.
  • Have localProxyMode set to PodIP in the OSM MeshConfig.
    • Most applications that run in a statefulset (Apache Kafka included) require all incoming network traffic to come via the pod IP. By default, OSM configures sends traffic over localhost, so it is important to modify that behavior via this MeshConfig setting. The default behavior will be switched in a later version of OSM


Install Zookeeper

First, we need to install Apache Zookeeper, the backing metadata store for Kafka. We’re going to start off by creating a namespace for our zookeeper pods and adding that namespace to our OSM mesh:

  1. # Create a namespace for Zookeeper and add it to OSM
  2. kubectl create ns zookeeper
  3. osm namespace add zookeeper

Next, we need to configure traffic policies that will allow the Zookeepers to talk to each other once they’re installed. These policies will also allow our eventual Kafka deployment to talk to Zookeeper:

  1. kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
  2. apiVersion:
  3. kind: TCPRoute
  4. metadata:
  5. name: zookeeper
  6. namespace: zookeeper
  7. spec:
  8. matches:
  9. ports:
  10. - 2181
  11. - 3181
  12. ---
  13. apiVersion:
  14. kind: TCPRoute
  15. metadata:
  16. name: zookeeper-internal
  17. namespace: zookeeper
  18. spec:
  19. matches:
  20. ports:
  21. - 2181
  22. - 3181
  23. - 2888
  24. - 3888
  25. ---
  26. kind: TrafficTarget
  27. apiVersion:
  28. metadata:
  29. name: zookeeper
  30. namespace: zookeeper
  31. spec:
  32. destination:
  33. kind: ServiceAccount
  34. name: zookeeper
  35. namespace: zookeeper
  36. rules:
  37. - kind: TCPRoute
  38. name: zookeeper
  39. sources:
  40. - kind: ServiceAccount
  41. name: kafka
  42. namespace: kafka
  43. ---
  44. kind: TrafficTarget
  45. apiVersion:
  46. metadata:
  47. name: zookeeper-internal
  48. namespace: zookeeper
  49. spec:
  50. destination:
  51. kind: ServiceAccount
  52. name: zookeeper
  53. namespace: zookeeper
  54. rules:
  55. - kind: TCPRoute
  56. name: zookeeper-internal
  57. sources:
  58. - kind: ServiceAccount
  59. name: zookeeper
  60. namespace: zookeeper
  61. EOF

Notice that there are 2 different TCPRoutes being created: one for communication between Zookeepers (4 ports allowed) and another for clients external to the zookeeper instances (only 2 ports allowed). Then, in turn, we create 2 different traffic targets. Again, one is for intra-zookeeper traffic and the other is for external clients (e.g. the “kafka” ServiceAccount in the “kafka” namespace).

Now that we’ve prepared our traffic policies, we’re ready to install Zookeeper. For this demo, we’re going to leverage the Helm chart published by Bitnami, performing a Helm install in our new zookeeper namespace:

  1. # Install the Zookeeper helm chart
  2. helm repo add bitnami
  3. helm install zookeeper bitnami/zookeeper --set replicaCount=3 --set serviceAccount.create=true --set --namespace zookeeper

Confirm that the pods are ready in the zookeeper namespace:

  1. kubectl get pod -n zookeeper
  3. zookeeper-zookeeper-0 2/2 Running 0 4m30s
  4. zookeeper-zookeeper-1 2/2 Running 0 4m30s
  5. zookeeper-zookeeper-2 2/2 Running 0 4m29s

Let’s confirm that the Zookeepers have established consensus with one another with the following command:

  1. kubectl exec zookeeper-zookeeper-1 -c zookeeper -n zookeeper -- /opt/bitnami/zookeeper/bin/ status
  2. /opt/bitnami/java/bin/java
  3. ZooKeeper JMX enabled by default
  4. Using config: /opt/bitnami/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
  5. Client port found: 2181. Client address: localhost. Client SSL: false.
  6. Mode: follower

Zookeeper is up and running!

Install Kafka

Now it’s time to install our Kafka brokers. For the sake of this demo, we’re going to install Kafka in a different namespace than our Zookeepers (similar to a multi-tenant Zookeeper deployment). First, we create a new kafka namespace and add it to our mesh:

  1. # Create a namespace for Kafka and add it to OSM
  2. kubectl create ns kafka
  3. osm namespace add kafka

Just like Zookeeper, we need to create the appropriate traffic policies to allow the Kafka pods to talk to one another. We also allow the default service account to talk to the client-facing Kafka ports for purposes of this demo only. This configuration is NOT appropriate for production.

  1. kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
  2. apiVersion:
  3. kind: TCPRoute
  4. metadata:
  5. name: kafka
  6. namespace: kafka
  7. spec:
  8. matches:
  9. ports:
  10. - 9092
  11. ---
  12. apiVersion:
  13. kind: TCPRoute
  14. metadata:
  15. name: kafka-internal
  16. namespace: kafka
  17. spec:
  18. matches:
  19. ports:
  20. - 9092
  21. - 9093
  22. ---
  23. kind: TrafficTarget
  24. apiVersion:
  25. metadata:
  26. name: kafka
  27. namespace: kafka
  28. spec:
  29. destination:
  30. kind: ServiceAccount
  31. name: kafka
  32. namespace: kafka
  33. rules:
  34. - kind: TCPRoute
  35. name: kafka
  36. sources:
  37. - kind: ServiceAccount
  38. name: default
  39. namespace: kafka
  40. ---
  41. kind: TrafficTarget
  42. apiVersion:
  43. metadata:
  44. name: kafka-internal
  45. namespace: kafka
  46. spec:
  47. destination:
  48. kind: ServiceAccount
  49. name: kafka
  50. namespace: kafka
  51. rules:
  52. - kind: TCPRoute
  53. name: kafka-internal
  54. sources:
  55. - kind: ServiceAccount
  56. name: kafka
  57. namespace: kafka
  58. EOF

With our traffic policies configured, we’re ready to install the Bitnami Kafka Helm chart in our kafka namespace:

  1. helm install kafka bitnami/kafka --set replicaCount=3 --set zookeeper.enabled=false --set zookeeperChrootPath='/kafka-root' --set serviceAccount.create=true --set --namespace kafka --set "externalZookeeper.servers={zookeeper-zookeeper-0.zookeeper-zookeeper-headless.zookeeper.svc.cluster.local,zookeeper-zookeeper-1.zookeeper-zookeeper-headless.zookeeper.svc.cluster.local,zookeeper-zookeeper-2.zookeeper-zookeeper-headless.zookeeper.svc.cluster.local}"

There are a couple of important details to note here. For one, we disable the zookeeper nodes that come pre-installed in the Kafka Helm chart since we’ve already installed our own. Additionally, we set a specific Zookeeper chroot path for isolating our Kafka metadata from other potential clients of the Zookeeper instances. Finally, we pass in a set of service FQDNs so that Kafka can connect to our Zookeepers. We technically don’t need all 3; only 1 service has to be reachable and Kafka will be able to find the other nodes on its own. Now, we just have to wait for the Kafka pods to come up:

  1. kubectl get pod -nkafka
  3. kafka-0 3/3 Running 1 3m57s
  4. kafka-1 3/3 Running 1 3m56s
  5. kafka-2 3/3 Running 1 3m54s

Excellent! All the compute is in place

Putting it all together

Now let’s confirm that all the communication between our different components is working as it should (zookeeper->zookeeper, kakfa->kafka, and kafka->zookeeper). To do this, we’re going to spin up a test pod running a kafka image so that we can produce and consume to a topic:

  1. kubectl run --rm -it kafka-client --image --namespace kafka -- bash

Once you run this command, you should have a bash shell open for you to send commands to the kafka-client pod. In that console, run the following command:

  1. --broker-list kafka-0.kafka-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092 --topic test

Here, we only pass in 1 kafka broker because, just like zookeeper, the client only needs to talk to a single host in order to retrieve metadata about the other nodes in the quorum. After running this command, you should see another prompt; this is the Kafka shell and any text typed here will be serialized and sent as a Kafka message once you hit enter. Let’s give it a try!

(Note: the > is the prompt you’ll see when typing in the shell. Don’t copy and paste it!)

  1. > hello
  2. > world

Great - you’ve sent two Kafka messages to your in-cluster Kafka brokers: “hello” and “world”. Now, hit Ctrl-C a couple of times to exit the Kafka prompt and return to you bash shell. Now let’s fire up a Kafka consumer to read the messages we’ve just written. From that bash shell, run the following command:

  1. --bootstrap-server kafka.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092 --topic test --from-beginning

You may see what appear to be error messages when you run this command, but those are most-likely symptoms of a Kakfa broker rebalance, a process that’s completely normal. One way or another, you should soon see your “hello” and “world” messages appear in your shell, separated by a newline. Congratulations! You’ve just run 2 stateful applications in Kubernetes, transparently securing the communication between all of their components using mTLS with OSM.