
You must enable fielddata in the document mapping for most string functions to work properly.

The specification shows the return type of the function with a generic type T as the argument. For example, abs(number T) -> T means that the function abs accepts a numerical argument of type T, which could be any subtype of the number type, and it returns the actual type of T as the return type.

The SQL plugin supports the following common functions shared across the SQL and PPL languages.


absabs(number T) -> TSELECT abs(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
addadd(number T, number) -> TSELECT add(1, 5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
cbrtcbrt(number T) -> TSELECT cbrt(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
ceilceil(number T) -> TSELECT ceil(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
convconv(string T, int a, int b) -> TSELECT CONV(‘12’, 10, 16), CONV(‘2C’, 16, 10), CONV(12, 10, 2), CONV(1111, 2, 10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
crc32crc32(string T) -> TSELECT crc32(‘MySQL’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dividedivide(number T, number) -> TSELECT divide(1, 0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
ee() -> doubleSELECT e() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
expexp(number T) -> TSELECT exp(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
expm1expm1(number T) -> TSELECT expm1(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
floorfloor(number T) -> TSELECT floor(0.5) AS Rounded_Down FROM my-index LIMIT 1
lnln(number T) -> doubleSELECT ln(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
loglog(number T) -> double or log(number T, number) -> doubleSELECT log(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
log2log2(number T) -> doubleSELECT log2(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
log10log10(number T) -> doubleSELECT log10(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
modmod(number T, number) -> TSELECT modulus(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
multiplymultiply(number T, number) -> numberSELECT multiply(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
pipi() -> doubleSELECT pi() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
powpow(number T) -> T or pow(number T, number) -> TSELECT pow(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
powerpower(number T) -> T or power(number T, number) -> TSELECT power(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
randrand() -> number or rand(number T) -> TSELECT rand(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
rintrint(number T) -> TSELECT rint(1.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
roundround(number T) -> TSELECT round(1.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
signsign(number T) -> TSELECT sign(1.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
signumsignum(number T) -> TSELECT signum(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sqrtsqrt(number T) -> TSELECT sqrt(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
strcmpstrcmp(string T, string T) -> TSELECT strcmp(‘hello’, ‘hello’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
subtractsubtract(number T, number) -> TSELECT subtract(3, 2) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
truncatetruncate(number T, number T) -> TSELECT truncate(56.78, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
/number [op] number -> numberSELECT 1 / 100 FROM my-index LIMIT 1
%number [op] number -> numberSELECT 1 % 100 FROM my-index LIMIT 1


acosacos(number T) -> doubleSELECT acos(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
asinasin(number T) -> doubleSELECT asin(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
atanatan(number T) -> doubleSELECT atan(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
atan2atan2(number T, number) -> doubleSELECT atan2(1, 0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
coscos(number T) -> doubleSELECT cos(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
coshcosh(number T) -> doubleSELECT cosh(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
cotcot(number T) -> doubleSELECT cot(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
degreesdegrees(number T) -> doubleSELECT degrees(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
radiansradians(number T) -> doubleSELECT radians(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sinsin(number T) -> doubleSELECT sin(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sinhsinh(number T) -> doubleSELECT sinh(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
tantan(number T) -> doubleSELECT tan(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1

Date and time

Functions marked with * are only available in SQL.

adddateadddate(date, INTERVAL expr unit) -> dateSELECT adddate(date(‘2020-08-26’), INTERVAL 1 hour) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
addtimeaddtime(date, date) -> dateSELECT addtime(date(‘2008-12-12’), date(‘2008-12-12’))
convert_tzconvert_tz(date, string, string) -> dateSELECT convert_tz(‘2008-12-25 05:30:00’, ‘+00:00’, ‘America/Los_Angeles’)
curtimecurtime() -> timeSELECT curtime()
curdatecurdate() -> dateSELECT curdate() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
current_datecurrent_date() -> dateSELECT current_date() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
current_timecurrent_time() -> timeSELECT current_time()
current_timestampcurrent_timestamp() -> dateSELECT current_timestamp() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
datedate(date) -> dateSELECT date() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
datediffdatediff(date, date) -> integerSELECT datediff(date(‘2000-01-02’), date(‘2000-01-01’))
datetimedatetime(string) -> datetimeSELECT datetime(‘2008-12-25 00:00:00’)
date_adddate_add(date, INTERVAL integer UNIT)SELECT date_add(‘2020-08-26’), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
date_formatdate_format(date, string) -> string or date_format(date, string, string) -> stringSELECT date_format(date, ‘Y’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
date_subdate_sub(date, INTERVAL expr unit) -> dateSELECT date_sub(date(‘2008-01-02’), INTERVAL 31 day) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofmonthdayofmonth(date) -> integerSELECT dayofmonth(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayday(date) -> integerSELECT day(date(‘2020-08-25’))
daynamedayname(date) -> stringSELECT dayname(date(‘2020-08-26’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofmonthdayofmonth(date) -> integerSELECT dayofmonth(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofweekdayofweek(date) -> integerSELECT dayofweek(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofyeardayofyear(date) -> integerSELECT dayofyear(date(‘2020-08-26’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofweekdayofweek(date) -> integerSELECT dayofweek(date(‘2020-08-26’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
day_of_monthday_of_month(date) -> integerSELECT day_of_month(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
day_of_weekday_of_week(date) -> integerSELECT day_of_week(date(‘2020-08-26’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
day_of_yearday_of_year(date) -> integerSELECT day_of_year(date(‘2020-08-26’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
extractextract(part FROM date) -> integerSELECT extract(MONTH FROM datetime(‘2020-08-26 10:11:12’))
from_daysfrom_days(N) -> integerSELECT from_days(733687) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
from_unixtimefrom_unixtime(N) -> dateSELECT from_unixtime(1220249547)
get_formatget_format(PART, string) -> stringSELECT get_format(DATE, ‘USA’)
hourhour(time) -> integerSELECT hour((time ‘01:02:03’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
hour_of_dayhour_of_day(time) -> integerSELECT hour_of_day((time ‘01:02:03’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
last_daylast_day(date) -> integerSELECT last_day(date(‘2020-08-26’))
localtimelocaltime() -> dateSELECT localtime() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
localtimestamplocaltimestamp() -> dateSELECT localtimestamp() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
makedatemakedate(double, double) -> dateSELECT makedate(1945, 5.9)
maketimemaketime(integer, integer, integer) -> dateSELECT maketime(1, 2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
microsecondmicrosecond(expr) -> integerSELECT microsecond((time ‘01:02:03.123456’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
minuteminute(expr) -> integerSELECT minute((time ‘01:02:03’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
minute_of_dayminute_of_day(expr) -> integerSELECT minute_of_day((time ‘01:02:03’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
minute_of_hourminute_of_hour(expr) -> integerSELECT minute_of_hour((time ‘01:02:03’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
monthmonth(date) -> integerSELECT month(date) FROM my-index
month_of_yearmonth_of_year(date) -> integerSELECT month_of_year(date) FROM my-index
monthnamemonthname(date) -> stringSELECT monthname(date) FROM my-index
nownow() -> dateSELECT now() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
period_addperiod_add(integer, integer)SELECT period_add(200801, 2)
period_diffperiod_diff(integer, integer)SELECT period_diff(200802, 200703)
quarterquarter(date) -> integerSELECT quarter(date(‘2020-08-26’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
secondsecond(time) -> integerSELECT second((time ‘01:02:03’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
second_of_minutesecond_of_minute(time) -> integerSELECT second_of_minute((time ‘01:02:03’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sec_to_timesec_to_time(integer) -> dateSELECT sec_to_time(10000)
subdatesubdate(date, INTERVAL expr unit) -> date, datetimeSELECT subdate(date(‘2008-01-02’), INTERVAL 31 day) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
subtimesubtime(date, date) -> dateSELECT subtime(date(‘2008-12-12’), date(‘2008-11-15’))
str_to_datestr_to_date(string, format) -> dateSELECT str_to_date(“March 10 2000”, %M %d %Y”)
timetime(expr) -> timeSELECT time(‘13:49:00’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
timedifftimediff(time, time) -> timeSELECT timediff(time(‘23:59:59’), time(‘13:00:00’))
timestamptimestamp(date) -> dateSELECT timestamp(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
timestampaddtimestampadd(interval, integer, date) -> date)SELECT timestampadd(DAY, 17, datetime(‘2000-01-01 00:00:00’))
timestampdifftimestampdiff(interval, date, date) -> integerSELECT timestampdiff(YEAR, ‘1997-01-01 00:00:00, ‘2001-03-06 00:00:00’)
time_formattime_format(date, string) -> stringSELECT time_format(‘1998-01-31 13:14:15.012345’, ‘%f %H %h %I %i %p %r %S %s %T’)
time_to_sectime_to_sec(time) -> longSELECT time_to_sec(time ‘22:23:00’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
to_daysto_days(date) -> longSELECT to_days(date ‘2008-10-07’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
to_secondsto_seconds(date) -> integerSELECT to_seconds(date(‘2008-10-07’)
unix_timestampunix_timestamp(date) -> doubleSELECT unix_timestamp(timestamp(‘1996-11-15 17:05:42’))
utc_dateutc_date() -> dateSELECT utc_date()
utc_timeutc_time() -> dateSELECT utc_time()
utc_timestamputc_timestamp() -> dateSELECT utc_timestamp()
weekweek(date[mode]) -> integerSELECT week(date(‘2008-02-20’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
weekofyearweekofyear(date[mode]) -> integerSELECT weekofyear(date(‘2008-02-20’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
week_of_yearweek_of_year(date[mode]) -> integerSELECT week_of_year(date(‘2008-02-20’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
yearyear(date) -> integerSELECT year(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
yearweekyearweek(date[mode]) -> integerSELECT yearweek(date(‘2008-02-20’)) FROM my-index LIMIT 1


asciiascii(string T) -> integerSELECT ascii(name.keyword) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
concatconcat(str1, str2) -> stringSELECT concat(‘hello’, ‘world’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
concat_wsconcat_ws(separator, string, string…) -> stringSELECT concat_ws(“-“, “Tutorial”, “is”, “fun!”) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
leftleft(string T, integer) -> TSELECT left(‘hello’, 2) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
lengthlength(string) -> integerSELECT length(‘hello’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
locatelocate(string, string, integer) -> integer or locate(string, string) -> INTEGERSELECT locate(‘o’, ‘hello’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT locate(‘l’, ‘hello’, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
replacereplace(string T, string, string) -> TSELECT replace(‘hello’, ‘l’, ‘x’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
rightright(string T, integer) -> TSELECT right(‘hello’, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
rtrimrtrim(string T) -> TSELECT rtrim(name.keyword) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
substringsubstring(string T, integer, integer) -> TSELECT substring(name.keyword, 2,5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
trimtrim(string T) -> TSELECT trim(‘ hello’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
upperupper(string T) -> TSELECT upper(‘helloworld’) FROM my-index LIMIT 1


avgavg(number T) -> TSELECT avg(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
countcount(number T) -> TSELECT count(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
minmin(number T, number) -> TSELECT min(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
showshow(string T) -> TSHOW TABLES LIKE my-index


ifif(boolean, es_type, es_type) -> es_typeSELECT if(false, 0, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT if(true, 0, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
ifnullifnull(es_type, es_type) -> es_typeSELECT ifnull(‘hello’, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT ifnull(null, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
isnullisnull(es_type) -> integerSELECT isnull(null) FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT isnull(1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1

Relevance-based search (full-text search)

These functions are only available in the WHERE clause. For their descriptions and usage examples in SQL and PPL, see Full-text search.