
This is a source plugin that supports HTTP protocol. Currently ONLY support Json UTF-8 codec for incoming request, e.g. [{"key1": "value1"}, {"key2": "value2"}].

portNoIntegerThe port the source is running on. Default is 2021. Valid options are between 0 and 65535.
health_check_serviceNoBooleanEnables health check service on /health endpoint on the defined port. Default is false.
unauthenticated_health_checkNoBooleanDetermines whether or not authentication is required on the health check endpoint. Data Prepper ignores this option if no authentication is defined. Default is false.
request_timeoutNoIntegerThe request timeout in millis. Default is 10_000.
thread_countNoIntegerThe number of threads to keep in the ScheduledThreadPool. Default is 200.
max_connection_countNoIntegerThe maximum allowed number of open connections. Default is 500.
max_pending_requestsNoIntegerThe maximum number of allowed tasks in ScheduledThreadPool work queue. Default is 1024.
authenticationNoObjectAn authentication configuration. By default, this creates an unauthenticated server for the pipeline. This uses pluggable authentication for HTTPS. To use basic authentication define the http_basic plugin with a username and password. To provide customer authentication, use or create a plugin that implements ArmeriaHttpAuthenticationProvider.
sslNoBooleanEnables TLS/SSL. Default is false.
ssl_certificate_fileConditionallyStringSSL certificate chain file path or AWS S3 path. S3 path example s3://<bucketName>/<path>. Required if ssl is true and use_acm_certificate_for_ssl is false.
ssl_key_fileConditionallyStringSSL key file path or AWS S3 path. S3 path example s3://<bucketName>/<path>. Required if ssl is true and use_acm_certificate_for_ssl is false.
use_acm_certificate_for_sslNoBooleanEnables TLS/SSL using certificate and private key from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Default is false.
acm_certificate_arnConditionallyStringACM certificate ARN. The ACM certificate takes preference over S3 or a local file system certificate. Required if use_acm_certificate_for_ssl is set to true.
acm_private_key_passwordNoStringACM private key password that decrypts the private key. If not provided, Data Prepper generates a random password.
acm_certificate_timeout_millisNoIntegerTimeout in milliseconds for ACM to get certificates. Default is 120000.
aws_regionConditionallyStringAWS region to use ACM or S3. Required if use_acm_certificate_for_ssl is set to true or ssl_certificate_file and ssl_key_file is AWS S3 path.