

Takes unstructured data and utilizes pattern matching to structure and extract important keys and make data more structured and queryable.

matchNoMapSpecifies which keys to match specific patterns against. Default is an empty body.
keep_empty_capturesNoBooleanEnables preserving null captures. Default value is false.
named_captures_onlyNoBooleanenables whether to keep only named captures. Default value is true.
break_on_matchNoBooleanSpecifies whether to match all patterns or stop once the first successful match is found. Default is true.
keys_to_overwriteNoListSpecifies which existing keys are to be overwritten if there is a capture with the same key value. Default is [].
pattern_definitionsNoMapAllows for custom pattern use inline. Default value is an empty body.
patterns_directoriesNoListSpecifies the path of directories that contain customer pattern files. Default value is an empty list.
pattern_files_globNoStringSpecifies which pattern files to use from the directories specified for pattern_directories. Default is *.
target_keyNoStringSpecifies a parent level key to store all captures. Default value is null.
timeout_millisNoIntegerMaximum amount of time that should take place for the matching. Setting to 0 disables the timeout. Default value is 30,000.